In April 2015, the Air Force will begin conducting the physical evaluations required to explore opening the last six career fields currently closed to women. ...
What is meant by Tier 2? The AF Fitness Assessment (FA) is a “Tier 1” fitness test; it indicates health and general fitness, is gender-specific, but AFSC independent. However, when generating fitness tests for AFSCs, we must base the standards on “Tier 2” requirements - the job demands. Tier 2 tests and standards are occupationally-specific, operationally-relevant and independent of age and gender. Currently, the AF is focused on the Tier 2 approach for Battlefield Airmen (BA).
What is a Battlefield Airman?
Approximately 4,300 personnel in six AFSCs are considered Battlefield Airmen: Special Tactics Officer, Combat Control, Special Operations Weather, Combat Rescue Officer, Pararescue, and Tactical Air Control Party. BA operate as surface combatants removed from traditional airbase support, often under austere conditions and may employ alone or as part of an AF, joint, interagency or coalition force to support Combatant Commander Objectives.
What is the study about?
In FY12 the AF Fitness Testing and Standards Unit initiated a Tier 2 effort to develop and validate science-based tests and standards for BA. While the study was underway, the SecDef mandated that ground combat positions should be open to women - the Women in the Services Review (WISR); the Tier 2 Study will also meet the WISR requirements set out by the SecDef mandate.