TACP Questions


Jun 16, 2014
Hey guys,

So my intent is to go into TACP. About 2 years ago someone saw me working out in my military tshirt, and asked if I was military. Long story short he told me to look into special operations. Since then I have been told this numerous times. So it opened my eyes to it. After a lot of researching and praying I have been sold on TACP. Now the fun part is getting in touch with recruiters, they have not gotten back in touch with me about open slots. So here are my questions:
1) Is it a hard job to get a slot for, as in are there a good amount of flights going through the schoolhouse in a year?
2) Physically I am not worried, it isn't hard to keep pushing yourself physically if you have the desire, but what gives me a little fear is the intellectual side of things. Obviously I have never worked with the equipment that TACP's operate daily (radios and all that fun stuff)
3) I have seen so many different pipelines for the schooling, What exactly is the the TACP pipeline?
Hey guys,

So my intent is to go into TACP. About 2 years ago someone saw me working out in my military tshirt, and asked if I was military. Long story short he told me to look into special operations. Since then I have been told this numerous times. So it opened my eyes to it. After a lot of researching and praying I have been sold on TACP. Now the fun part is getting in touch with recruiters, they have not gotten back in touch with me about open slots. So here are my questions:
1) Is it a hard job to get a slot for, as in are there a good amount of flights going through the schoolhouse in a year?
2) Physically I am not worried, it isn't hard to keep pushing yourself physically if you have the desire, but what gives me a little fear is the intellectual side of things. Obviously I have never worked with the equipment that TACP's operate daily (radios and all that fun stuff)
3) I have seen so many different pipelines for the schooling, What exactly is the the TACP pipeline?
So, let me get this straight.

Dating back to a couple of years ago, people you know have told you to look into special operations because of some shirt you owned. This lead to a lot of "researching", yet you get on here asking the most basic questions possible about how you want to spend possibly the rest of your life. You don't even know what the pipeline entails!

As for point 2- I don't exactly know what you mean, but you're coming off like a cocky prick. For a dude that doesn't have the slightest clue about what the TACP career field calls for, don't you think that "physically I am not worried" is both ignorant and arrogant?

Let's try an experiment here. You have one shot to completely re-do this question before about 50 people tell you "Shut up, read more, post less, use the search function, go PT" and a slew of other pieces of advice. Make it worth everyone's while and actually make me care enough to read and consider responding.

So..... go.

Okay my bad. It was not because of my Basic Training shirt, it was because they knew I was already military and in good shape. I tried to research and found out that TACP was the one that stuck out to me, I have been reading more posts on here since then but the thing is I have found clashing information off different sites.

I am not trying to be cocky, but what I mean is I have a drive and personality that does not quit or accept defeat. Add that to being in pretty good shape, I only meant that physical stuff does not scare me. I do know that I will face physical things that will push me further than I have ever been pushed, but I do know that I won't quit and look forward to the challenge.

Really the only question that is still unclear to me since I made this post, is the first one. I saw where it is undermanned and because of how challenging it is, hard to fill needs for it. But if that is true, I am confused as to why the recruiter I have gotten in touch with does not seem to be in any hurry to tell me anything.

I do apologize because cockiness is something I am not about. It is hard to portray that in text sometimes though. It won't happen again.
Okay my bad. It was not because of my Basic Training shirt, it was because they knew I was already military and in good shape. I tried to research and found out that TACP was the one that stuck out to me, I have been reading more posts on here since then but the thing is I have found clashing information off different sites.

I am not trying to be cocky, but what I mean is I have a drive and personality that does not quit or accept defeat. Add that to being in pretty good shape, I only meant that physical stuff does not scare me. I do know that I will face physical things that will push me further than I have ever been pushed, but I do know that I won't quit and look forward to the challenge.

Really the only question that is still unclear to me since I made this post, is the first one. I saw where it is undermanned and because of how challenging it is, hard to fill needs for it. But if that is true, I am confused as to why the recruiter I have gotten in touch with does not seem to be in any hurry to tell me anything.

I do apologize because cockiness is something I am not about. It is hard to portray that in text sometimes though. It won't happen again.
Where do you think you are right now? What do you think this is?

You know exactly nothing about when/if you will/won't quit. Not a thing. You're self assessment means exactly dick to about 90% of this board. I have heard the exact same heartfelt words from about 500 guys that tried and failed miserably. I get it, you're different. I get it, you'll never stop, you'll die on your feet not live on your knees, home with your shield or on it- got it. Very moving and unoriginal. First things first- stop with all that fake bravado horseshit. It's not worth the photoshopped pic of a guy jumping freefall with equipment that it's written on.

You saying you're going to try TACP and you know that you'll rise to any physical challenge and overcome it kind of looks like you're saying "I'll smoke the pipeline, I have what it physically takes" and I am saying "Bullshit, you have no clue what you're talking about."

Your interactions with a laissez faire recruiter aside- the fact that instead of looking at the SOF mentor forums, using the search field on this site, looking at www.romad.com, www.specialtactics.com, or any number of the thousands of web pages devoted solely to TACP on the internet, you come up in here with a "What's up guys, here are some questions I got, take some time out of your busy day and help me out because I am too lazy" makes me want to punch a freaking lamb in it's face. Have you ever seen a lamb? It's gorgeous.

That's how mad you make me. I want to destroy a baby sheep because you can't be bothered to actually do some research like an adult and would rather showcase that ignorance to the people you want to work for or with for the rest of your life.

If you are military, get vetted. Then do your research and stop wasting everyone's time. The number one sought after trait in all USAF Special Tactics and Battlefield Airmen units is "mature problem solver." Read that again.
Well apparently I was mistaken as to what this website was all about. And I will admit that I do not know the physical beatdown and challenge I will face. But at the same time, you do not know me. You do not know what my mentality is. I am sure you have heard it more than a thousand times.

I have looked on sites but I have been confused. My bad for coming to a site like this and asking what I was confused about.
Not confused, more like misguided. Many of us here who have walked the walk at one time or another did so without the benefit of having a resource such as this site to collect information for whatever selection or pipeline a service member is shooting for. This isn't to say you shouldn't use this site, just use it wisely before you find yourself asking the same question on other sites and getting the same or worse answer as you have received here.
Well apparently I was mistaken as to what this website was all about. And I will admit that I do not know the physical beatdown and challenge I will face. But at the same time, you do not know me. You do not know what my mentality is. I am sure you have heard it more than a thousand times.

I have looked on sites but I have been confused. My bad for coming to a site like this and asking what I was confused about.

Amlove already told you, but let me restate it: No one cares about your chest beating and "you don't know me" claims. So just stop. You're probably going to be tempted to respond to this with some sort of explanation or excuse. Don't.

There's nothing to be confused about if you actually did the research. Did you know there is a TACP Mentor forum on this very website? :-o TACP is not a careerfield for people that can't find answers on their own. You operate as a one or two man team supporting a combat maneuver or special operations unit. Commanders of those units expect and deserve guys that are self-motivated and don't need their hands held to solve problems and find answers.
Just found that mentor forum. I posted my first thread too early.
I am new to the site and now I know better that I need to take a day or two of reading throughout here before I ask something.
Usually I will find my answers because it has already been asked.
I'll say this, because they probably won't and it bears being said...

Here's a couple things you don't realize, due to more posting/less reading instead of the more appropriate inverse concept:

There's quite a few of guys here who've been, or are currently entrusted with being the graders, instructors, mentors, and inspectors of those who wish to enter their respective SOF ranks.

It's not a fun job because there's a huge logistical train related to accomplishing the selection and training of anyone within SOF. While those who go through selection are having to suck for nights in a row, there's cadre right out there with you, same weather, same terrain, making sure your dumb ass doesn't kill yourself trying to accomplish simple tasks.

It's not a fun job, partially because there's quite a few people who come up chest thumping yet can't even jump high enough to reach the bar, let alone dead hang then do multiple repetitions at it... and they get to hear it over, and over, and over. Oorah Ork Ork Hardcore never quit die first bla bla bla then the suck kicks in, reality kicks in, tiny heart syndrome and vaginal sandinitis kicks in.... the strong (in all aspects) survive, and the weak fall to the wayside.

Attrition is high in SOF for a reason, it's to keep the chucklefucks that WILL get My buddies, Amlove's buddys, CDG's buddies, etc, KILLED, the fuck away from us. Attrition continues even after selections and assessments and classes, because at any given time someone will no longer be able to perform. At that point, for the good of the whole, out the door they go. No room for dead weight.

These guys are scary judges of character after it's all said and done, even with just reading what someone has to say and how they formulate it on this very forum. Especially when you specifically can't even look/read to find information that's rather easy to find (and set up specifically so) within this very forum... it's telling of drive and attention to detail, which neither #1 and #2 were displayed given you having a post like that first one above.

Both of those traits are pretty much guaranteed selection criteria across the board regardless of your SOF career endstate you're dreaming of.

The saying "a thousand attaboys is erased by one oh-shit" rings very true in the military, and the severity of the oh-shit increases with the weapon systems at your disposal... Think about that one when you want to be the dude trying to help multimillion dollar aircraft drop thousands of pounds of munitions.

Then think about how right now, you ain't got no attaboys to even work with, and a few "oh-shits" straight out the gate due to your highly apparent attitude.
Just found that mentor forum. I posted my first thread too early.
I am new to the site and now I know better that I need to take a day or two of reading throughout here before I ask something.
Usually I will find my answers because it has already been asked.
I want to say this publicly- this board holds it's new (and unverified members) very accountable. Not because we think we are better than you; because we really want you to succeed, and that's not bullshit. I want you to be better, and so does @Red-Dot and @CDG because we realize that you could join their ranks (as a new guy they can train) and OUR ranks (as a guy I could interact with and put on my teams) in the future.

Thank you for your last post. We are all going to move on, with no harm, no foul, and no retribution. If you have questions- exhaust yourself finding the answer. If you still have questions, ask.

The members of this board devote their most valuable resource- time- to stuff like this.

Let's all agree AJ took his lumps and we move on.
Just found that mentor forum. I posted my first thread too early.
I am new to the site and now I know better that I need to take a day or two of reading throughout here before I ask something.
Usually I will find my answers because it has already been asked.

You've probably seen this, but if you haven't:


That thread is populated with guys who stepped on their dicks here, but recovered and are now doing great things. It is my favorite thread on the entire board and if you read it all you can tell that we want guys to succeed.

Good luck with your journey.
You've probably seen this, but if you haven't:


That thread is populated with guys who stepped on their dicks here, but recovered and are now doing great things. It is my favorite thread on the entire board and if you read it all you can tell that we want guys to succeed.

Good luck with your journey.
Having been 'out' twenty-plus years now (fuck does that make me feel old), I have lived vicariously through the guys who post in this thread. Watching @Tropicana98 progression from start to finish was amazing, and watching those who started, but didn't finish, for whatever reason, was humbling. I wish you well.
<SNIP>... makes me want to punch a freaking lamb in it's face. Have you ever seen a lamb? It's gorgeous. That's how mad you make me. I want to destroy a baby sheep<SNIP>.

Okay, I wanted to wait for this thread to calm down so as not to take away from the point that @amlove21 was making. Hopefully enough time has passed.

"this" is one of the greatest lines I have seen in a long time, and just today I got a chance to use it when one of my kids really fucked up (smarting off to mom is not a good idea on my home), the look on his face was absolutely priceless.