TACP Retraining Timeline


Jul 23, 2015
I recently submitted a retraining application for TACP. My PAST and TAPAS are submitted for review. I also understand that there isn't an exact timetable for how long this process can take. I really just want to know if someone has some insight on how long they waited once submitting an application. I received a spot when the FY16 positions went into the retraining advisory. Can I expect to hear a response before 1 OCT? Apologies if this topic was already covered. I tried searching through old forums but most of those just revolve around the topic of PAST scores.
I submitted a retraining application for CCT in May and didn't get a response for about a month after. I would continue to check MYPERS on the portal to see if there is any update, at least a couple times a week. I'm not sure if the waiting period is different for TACP but my package had to go through a series of reviews (CF Manager, medical, and other routes.) I'm certain you will hear a response before OCT 1 if not by the end of September I would call the MPERS # and see if there is any sort of hold up on your package, they are pretty good about notifying you through MYPERS if there is though. Hope this helps, good luck!
I appreciate the help, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't waiting to long and something happened.