The Afghanistan and Pakistan Thread

Lockheed's BOD: Board of Directors

A couple of retired generals, a bunch of former CEO's, and curiously...a number of former CEO's related to the energy sector. A defense company with so many ties to petroleum?

Boeing: Corporate Governance

More generals and more ties to the petroleum industry

Raytheon: Corporate Governance

The usual GO/FO mix, but this time it's invested heavily in tech sector CEOs.

Northrop: Company Leadership | Northrop Grumman

Two GO/ FO's and a lot of former CFOs

Lastly, General Dynamics: General Dynamics - Corporate Governance - Board of Directors

4 retired generals (including James Mattis), 3 US, 1 UK. An even smattering of former DoD officials, CFOs, and tech sector folks.

Those are the boards, who is really moving and shaking? Dunno.

Not for nothing, here's some financial numbers for the top 100 globally: Top 100 | Defense News, News about defense programs, business, and technology

I do find it very curious to see how the top 5 in the US have slanted their boards towards certain people or business sectors.
Can you expand on the last bit?

Also wondering how long those people have been in their current positions. Cause if you can figure out what social circles and similarities these people share, can you find out what their motives are. It's like doing kinship diagrams, but instead of tracing sons & daughters you trace contacts.
Lockheed's BOD: Board of Directors

A couple of retired generals, a bunch of former CEO's, and curiously...a number of former CEO's related to the energy sector. A defense company with so many ties to petroleum?

Boeing: Corporate Governance

More generals and more ties to the petroleum industry

Raytheon: Corporate Governance

The usual GO/FO mix, but this time it's invested heavily in tech sector CEOs.

Northrop: Company Leadership | Northrop Grumman

Two GO/ FO's and a lot of former CFOs

Lastly, General Dynamics: General Dynamics - Corporate Governance - Board of Directors

4 retired generals (including James Mattis), 3 US, 1 UK. An even smattering of former DoD officials, CFOs, and tech sector folks.

Those are the boards, who is really moving and shaking? Dunno.

Not for nothing, here's some financial numbers for the top 100 globally: Top 100 | Defense News, News about defense programs, business, and technology

I do find it very curious to see how the top 5 in the US have slanted their boards towards certain people or business sectors.

Jim Mattis is a shill just like all of them, horrible SecDef when we're being honest. Warrior Monk? Dude took a 400k/year executive board slot at Theranos and didn't even get head from the female version of Steve Jobs.
Can you expand on the last bit?

Also wondering how long those people have been in their current positions. Cause if you can figure out what social circles and similarities these people share, can you find out what their motives are. It's like doing kinship diagrams, but instead of tracing sons & daughters you trace contacts.

I will say in both cases those are worthwhile to study, for someone to dig into, I'm just not that guy. It isn't because I don't care or think my 10 minutes of scratching the surface is enough, it isn't something I have the time for or inclination to pursue.

I certainly think your ideas are with merit, I'm just not "that guy" to go down the path. It probably wouldn't be a hard path to follow, it would take time I don't feel like spending.

That said, mulling over your first point, LM's revenue is something like 96% from the government. LM did however, break a story years ago of how it was working on a compact fusion reactor, going so far as to file a patent in 2018.

Compact Fusion
Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Reactor - Wikipedia

If you want to go down a rabbit hole (no pun intended), I think you could point to the alleged possession of alien craft and the green energy scam. Imagine the control LM or Boeing would have over the entire planet if they could produce "cheap" green energy. Another theory of mine points simply to, again, this green energy nonsense. Those companies have to be working an angle, we just haven't figured it out.

If you consider the big picture in my post someone could make the argument this is the WEC's move to solidify its control over the defense industry. I looked at the top 5 US companies, not the top 5 or 10 worldwide... You don't slant an organization towards a specific sector without having an end state in mind.

I learned something about the finance industry working at Merrill Lynch years ago, you even see this in professional sports: blood in, blood out. Once you hit a certain tier in finance you can write your own ticket. Those execs just rotate through boards, the gov't, whatever. If you've followed professional sports (I'm including college too), you'll see once you're in a coaching position you never leave. Schools promote and recycle the same folks over and over. Some of the board members above are retreads from other defense companies...

So, yeah, there are trends and patterns at play.
I will say in both cases those are worthwhile to study, for someone to dig into, I'm just not that guy. It isn't because I don't care or think my 10 minutes of scratching the surface is enough, it isn't something I have the time for or inclination to pursue.

I certainly think your ideas are with merit, I'm just not "that guy" to go down the path. It probably wouldn't be a hard path to follow, it would take time I don't feel like spending.

That said, mulling over your first point, LM's revenue is something like 96% from the government. LM did however, break a story years ago of how it was working on a compact fusion reactor, going so far as to file a patent in 2018.

Compact Fusion
Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Reactor - Wikipedia

If you want to go down a rabbit hole (no pun intended), I think you could point to the alleged possession of alien craft and the green energy scam. Imagine the control LM or Boeing would have over the entire planet if they could produce "cheap" green energy. Another theory of mine points simply to, again, this green energy nonsense. Those companies have to be working an angle, we just haven't figured it out.

If you consider the big picture in my post someone could make the argument this is the WEC's move to solidify its control over the defense industry. I looked at the top 5 US companies, not the top 5 or 10 worldwide... You don't slant an organization towards a specific sector without having an end state in mind.

I learned something about the finance industry working at Merrill Lynch years ago, you even see this in professional sports: blood in, blood out. Once you hit a certain tier in finance you can write your own ticket. Those execs just rotate through boards, the gov't, whatever. If you've followed professional sports (I'm including college too), you'll see once you're in a coaching position you never leave. Schools promote and recycle the same folks over and over. Some of the board members above are retreads from other defense companies...

So, yeah, there are trends and patterns at play.
I dunno about the bolded. Was looking at their compact fusion reactor with a lot of hope, but that apparently fizzled. All I know is that the amount of money need to sustain a couple small nations is gone. Kinda wish I had studied accounting now. But yeah, shit's weird.
I will say in both cases those are worthwhile to study, for someone to dig into, I'm just not that guy. It isn't because I don't care or think my 10 minutes of scratching the surface is enough, it isn't something I have the time for or inclination to pursue.

I certainly think your ideas are with merit, I'm just not "that guy" to go down the path. It probably wouldn't be a hard path to follow, it would take time I don't feel like spending.

That said, mulling over your first point, LM's revenue is something like 96% from the government. LM did however, break a story years ago of how it was working on a compact fusion reactor, going so far as to file a patent in 2018.

Compact Fusion
Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Reactor - Wikipedia

If you want to go down a rabbit hole (no pun intended), I think you could point to the alleged possession of alien craft and the green energy scam. Imagine the control LM or Boeing would have over the entire planet if they could produce "cheap" green energy. Another theory of mine points simply to, again, this green energy nonsense. Those companies have to be working an angle, we just haven't figured it out.

If you consider the big picture in my post someone could make the argument this is the WEC's move to solidify its control over the defense industry. I looked at the top 5 US companies, not the top 5 or 10 worldwide... You don't slant an organization towards a specific sector without having an end state in mind.

I learned something about the finance industry working at Merrill Lynch years ago, you even see this in professional sports: blood in, blood out. Once you hit a certain tier in finance you can write your own ticket. Those execs just rotate through boards, the gov't, whatever. If you've followed professional sports (I'm including college too), you'll see once you're in a coaching position you never leave. Schools promote and recycle the same folks over and over. Some of the board members above are retreads from other defense companies...

So, yeah, there are trends and patterns at play.

More for the energy security thread, but the amount of modular small to medium reactor projects have been killed by the green energy lobby is going to really screw the west for a very long time. We could have 50% or more of our power being nuclear generated. But we have states like Texas reliant on wind and solar and hoping that ice storms don't kill substations.
More for the energy security thread, but the amount of modular small to medium reactor projects have been killed by the green energy lobby is going to really screw the west for a very long time. We could have 50% or more of our power being nuclear generated. But we have states like Texas reliant on wind and solar and hoping that ice storms don't kill substations.

Our grid in Texas has been a joke, upping the solar and wind is just a patch for poorly maintained systems....give me a nuclear plant any day. If we (Texas) wanted to be an independent grid, and not connected to other state grids...then we need to be serious about it.
My wife and I visit friends in Santa Fe, NM a lot over the past 20 the point we will probably retire there. The drive from Dallas to SF was really pretty, especially when you get into the plateau you see windmills on the ugly.
That Jackass Perry did this to us.
I’m curious how most board members feel about enhanced interrogation/torture. Does it produce viable intelligence or just makes us feel better they are suffering?
It is useful in some circumstances. Becomes counter-productive after a relatively short period of time. If we are discussing "enhanced" interrogation.
I’m curious how most board members feel about enhanced interrogation/torture. Does it produce viable intelligence or just makes us feel better they are suffering?
I'm for doing whatever it takes. I'm not twisted enough to enjoy others suffering, but one suffering could mean thousands don't.
Plea deal with accused 9/11 plotters revoked - US government - BBC News

SECDEF just gave a big fuck you to the team assigned to prosecute these fuck nuts.

While I'll give him credit for this, he ultimately caved to the pressure. They should've been hung on the front lawn of the White House a long time ago.

How and why have these guys not be tried, convicted, and killed by now?

I remember a time when Obama was killing American Citizens without so much as a trial.