Apologies.Could we please keep the thread on topic, RE: the Coming Gun Grab?
As to the subject of the coming gun grab... I don't believe it's going to happen and is as relevant a debate as the impending forced identity microchip implants... meaning... it ain't gonna happen.
Tougher gun laws?
A renewal of the Assault Waepons ban?
Most definitely.
New restrictions on certain types of ammo and weapons beyond assault weapons?
The government knocking on your door to take your guns?
Nope... ain't gonna happen.
paranoid folks on the far left believe the Republicans will outlaw free speech, censor the press, and completely tear down the separation of church and state.
I believe some new laws may infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights, just as other rights have been usurped by other laws... but I think a "coming gun grab" is just as likely as state religion or the end of free speech.