The Coming Gun Grab

Could we please keep the thread on topic, RE: the Coming Gun Grab?
As to the subject of the coming gun grab... I don't believe it's going to happen and is as relevant a debate as the impending forced identity microchip implants... meaning... it ain't gonna happen.

Tougher gun laws?
A renewal of the Assault Waepons ban?
Most definitely.
New restrictions on certain types of ammo and weapons beyond assault weapons?
The government knocking on your door to take your guns?
Nope... ain't gonna happen.

paranoid folks on the far left believe the Republicans will outlaw free speech, censor the press, and completely tear down the separation of church and state.
I believe some new laws may infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights, just as other rights have been usurped by other laws... but I think a "coming gun grab" is just as likely as state religion or the end of free speech.
When guns are grabbed and outlawed and the possession of such guns are no longer available to the citizens of the U.S then we will we not touch on this subject again with disbelief ???? :uhh:

Is the sky falling ? Yes it is, it started on November 4th 2008 and resides within the last 100+ day's of the current adminstration.

Facism is among us and if you believe differently, then your blind without a cane. :cool:
When guns are grabbed and outlawed and the possession of such guns are no longer available to the citizens of the U.S then we will we not touch on this subject again with disbelief ???? :uhh:
If they come for our guns, I will apologize. :D
Is the sky falling ? Yes it is, it started on November 4th 2008 and resides within the last 100+ day's of the current adminstration.

Facism is among us and if you believe differently, then your blind without a cane. :cool:
When the last administration created new executive powers, allowed warrantless wiretaps, created the Patriot Act, appointed an Attorney General who denied the Constitution guaranteed US citizens Habeas Corpus, had a VP who denied being part of the executive or legislative branches as he saw convenient, an administration that refused to give sworn testimony or allow recordings of testimony, fired government employees who were disloyal to the party, and accused anyone who questioned their policies or asked for accountability as being unpatriotic and aiding our enemies... an administration that came to power by blocking the counting of votes...

did you feel at any time during the last eight years that we were on the road to fascism?

I know I didn't.
I thought we had a President who was a disaster but i never thought he was going to turn the country into a fascist dictatorship.

So why do you think now President Obama is taking us on the road to fascism?
What's different under Obama that only now do you see fascism?
the bailouts?

I find it ironic that many of the same people who overlook the things the last administration actually did, are quick to condemn the current administration for hypothetical things they believe they might do in the future.
The larger problem as I see it is the potential for an eroision of rights to lead to a larger eroision or outright removal. Now, I think it would take some exceptional circumstances for that to happen, but WRT the 2nd Amendment I can see laws passed during this administration setting the stage for future actions. None of us can see into the future but I think we could all agree that our guns won't go away in the next 4, 8, 12 years.....but none of us can see how this changes our landscape in 30, 40, 50 years.

More than likely, I can see this tug-of-war going from one administration to another tying up legislative and judicial time and money debating something like the AWB. The AWB is on, no it isn't, 4 years later it is on, 8 years later and it is off.....

Either path is damaging in the long run.
Molan Labe, let em come for em'.

Personally I do not think it will come to "gun grabbing", just look at how outrageous ammo prices are now? I went to Cheaper Then Dirt's page trying to get an idea of what hot .22 LR is out there. They have five pages of ammo for .22LR and on the first page there was maybe 15 items in stock the rest was OUT!!!
I have heard, not sure how true, the anti's want to make ammo so expensive we won't be able to afford it. But as far as Joe and Jane standing stall if there ever was a real confiscation started, I do not see that happening. Most would fold like a cheap accordian and turn in their firearms.
The larger problem as I see it is the potential for an eroision of rights to lead to a larger eroision or outright removal. Now, I think it would take some exceptional circumstances for that to happen, but WRT the 2nd Amendment I can see laws passed during this administration setting the stage for future actions. None of us can see into the future but I think we could all agree that our guns won't go away in the next 4, 8, 12 years.....but none of us can see how this changes our landscape in 30, 40, 50 years.
On this, I agree.
I don't believe this administration is going to come for our guns... nor do I believe they would even want to if they could.

But I agree that there is an inherent danger in enacting laws that chip away at our rights.
Who knows what the future holds and what loopholes those laws might provide.
B5R's right-there won't be a gun-grab; that would be pushing the audacity thing a little too hard.
Here's my prediction:the Democrats lose control of Congress next year before the Obama Administration has enough time to implement extensive, damaging firearms constraints. (After all, it doesn't have complete ownership of the car companies, banking institutions and internet, yet-that takes time and concentration.)

A charismatic Conservative will be elected in 2012, and many of the reversible takeovers, laws and policies will be repaired.

Problem is, we're still letting the SCOTUS legislate, and that gaggle of bloviators will be even more radically liberal than it has been to date. Install a couple more God-and gun-haters in there, and we definitely got problems.

I'll quit anticipating infringements of my First, Second and Fourth Ammendment Rights when another Reagan is in the Lewinsky Room.
I find it ironic that many of the same people who overlook the things the last administration actually did, are quick to condemn the current administration for hypothetical things they believe they might do in the future.
Not me. I was an equal opportunity hater. They are (were) politicians, they all suck, and seem to have no problem compromising their (our) fellow Americans/Constitution, if it puts a buck in their pocket.

I believe the Gun Grab will take place FIRST through over-taxation on Guns/ammo, and THEN an "assault weapons" ban, then a "cop killer ammo" ban (anything over .380), then a "semi-auto" ban, until we are left with nothing but Bolt-action .22 Long Rifle, with ammo at $100/brick.
Note: it's already $30/brick at our shop now...:uhh:

Meanwhile there will be a huge influx of illegal weaponry (for criminals) brought in from Mexico along with the drugs. (oh yeah, and 1.3% from Canada, just like today's numbers). This weaponry will not only be from China and Russian made weapons, but from the Mexican Military that WE gave/sold them in previous aid packages. (oh, won't THAT be ironic!)

But hey, add me to the "sky is falling" group, please.