The Importance of Discipline


Jun 7, 2017
Chesapeake, Virginia
To be successful in life you must have Discipline. "Well done 757, what an amazing awe inspiring post, believe me. I am sure that the viewers here have been affected biggly, so much so that they will eventually get tired of how awe inspired they were." -Not Donald Trump

In all seriousness, discipline has been at the forefront of my mind for the past few months. Long story short, since I created my account this past year, I got married to my girlfriend *who I practically just met* (actually dated for five years), discovered my mother got cancer, beat cancer, suddenly got sick and died of an unforeseen complication. These events occurred over a 3-5 month period. NOTE: I am not sharing this story because I want pity or sympathy or anything of that nature. During this roller coaster ride, I have made decisions which have consequences, both positive and negative. The person responsible for those choices is 757.

During these events, I decided to put my goal of joining the military on hold. My new goal became helping my family in any way I could. I chose to spend time with my dad or my wife while we sorted through my moms possessions. I chose to spend this time with my family during my former gym time. My family was a wreck and I was a wreck. Fortunately, time, to a certain extent, heals all wounds. My goal to join the military has not changed. This site has continuously inspired me to pursue that goal, I thank you all for that.

As a result of my choices to spend time with my family instead of hitting the gym, my body is weaker and slower than it was. The reality is, I have not been able to run as fast, lift as much, or push myself as long. Being unable to physically accomplish what I could do before has been...frustrating, to say the least. But, getting back into the swing of things has yielded results, bit by bit. I am beginning to hit some of my older numbers and that feels great. I recently ran the Tough Mudder in Philly and that was one of the toughest things I have ever attempted (it had been raining for days and running on the muddy path was more similar to ice skating that running). I wanted to quit so badly as I felt my calves, hammies, and muscles in my legs I didn't know existed begin to cramp. I didn't quit, I kept finding small objectives to reach: "that tree, the top of that hill, the next obstacle, the next water station, and finally the finish line." Despite finishing, I did not finish as quickly as I wanted. All this to say, the key to reaching the goals I have set for myself is: self-discipline.

I cannot change the past, but I am the master of my future. Discipline is the key to whether that future is successful or not. On this site there are many examples of successful men and women who practiced discipline, and succeeded as a result. Want to see an example of a kid who was keying cars and clearly has not been taught discipline? I present to you THUNDER C...ocky kid who needs to be beaten by his parents.

Thank you for reading. My goal is to write another one of these in September/October when my journey has reached the next milestone.