The Moderator Election and "Safe Space" Smacktalking and Smear Campaign Thread

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I just made me a big cup of awesomeness and sat down to enjoy this thread for the night. Kids are on the way to the mother in laws, wife is out with friends, its just me, my dog and whisky.

I offer my services as campaign manager/PR spokesman to ensure shit talking, to anyone requiring such services!

I am officially behind three candidates, one asked for my endorsement, but as a fellow liberal he could not be turned down. A vote for @Deathy McDeath is a vote against conservative circle jerks, of which there are way too many.

My second candidate I am backing is @Marauder06 , who despite his Trumpish post is one of the people I respect most on this board, as well as in the real world.

Lastly and as some suprise I am backing @thehateape, we need a Marine in the vetting room as you fucking marines are everygoddamnwhere.

As to the reason I am not endorsing others.... I'll save that for later.

Let it be known....

Should a Marine be elected as Mod I will award 3 voters a cigar from the Cuban Box Of Motivation.

Should 2 Marines be elected, I will choose 6 winners!

Think about that! Your vote could actually net you fine contraband tobacco - not to mention the 2 or 3 extras I will be adding to your care package!

Marines - it is time we unite !

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It's interesting to see that some of the top vote-getters haven't even posted in this thread! What's the deal there folks? You see, you see this is why I'm running; I'm an outsider, a renegade. You know me from my posts - I ask, how many times in the last year has @pardus even posted? Barely any! And @Totentanz , does anyone even know who this guy is? I mean, c'mon! I bet he's got small hands. Real small hands. That's the deal with these guys, they get the red tag and think they're set. They're establishment. They can run tap into the old money club and the media will support them.

But you don't want the Shadowspear Establishment, do you? What has the SS(e) done for you lately, anyway? They've let in foreigners. They've let posers run amok! I mean, who's even keeping track of these posers? Not the moderating staff, I tell you! That's why we need fresh blood. Someone who will work for YOU. Not for the red tags. You know what a red tag means in the Marine Corps?


It means they've got AIDS! Now I don't want to accuse our mod staff of having AIDS, but you gotta wonder. I mean, what are they hiding? I'm just asking questions here! Red patch - red tag. Makes you wonder!

Don't let the SS(e) get their way this election season.
As @metalmom 's newly appointed PR spokesman, I want to make the following statement on her behalf. Yes she admits to cocaine and alcohol induced stripper parties. She was there and had a moment of laxed judgment, but has spent 72 hours in rehab, and promises to never attack a fellow elected official again. She did not snort lines at the beer market, her friends are not prostitute's, she doesn't want to eat pussy, she has all she can eat at home...its a Canadian thing!

As for @Deathy McDeath, obviously he was reading the latest addition of throb magazine as he chicken pecked his liberal fingers upon his keyboard, filling this thread up with gayness. Liberals always pull the same old bait and switch. Promising to allow you to keep your guns, but chastising you for not wanting to get behind not so common sense gun regulations everytime a gay night club gets shot up. A vote for deathy is a vote for radically gay terrorist, its a vote against taco Tuesdays, but most of all its a vote for a homo tag team bashing with moderating powers from Deathy and @TLDR20. We plead with the voters to not allow ShadowSpear be ruled by transgender bathroom using liberals like Deathy...

VOTE METALMOM, and she will bring the hookers and blow!!!
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Just want to give a fellow running mate kudos-Deathy.
I wont be smack talking for a few days but hold in my heart what I would fight for as a Mod/ PTSD forums or group. I listen and talk to so many people not only in their struggles with this but anyone struggling with anything. Some people=mods-have taught me so much I would be honoured to live up to their standards. Or at least try, I give a huge fuck about people. No one can take that from me. Sometimes Im funny as hell-ok maybe that happens in my own mind. I am the candidate you always hoped for. Much luck to all. Cant wait for my smack talk.
What has the SS(e) done for you lately, anyway? They've let in foreigners. They've let posers run amok! I mean, who's even keeping track of these posers? Not the moderating staff, I tell you! That's why we need fresh blood. Someone who will work for YOU.

Wait a minute!?!

So a vote for Deathy is a like a vote for:


DEATHY McDEATH - Make Shadow Spear Great Again!
Don't make the mistake of conflating number of posts in this thread i.e. desperate pandering with the reserved self-confidence of a true Airborne leader.

@Florida173 or bust.

I feel that's not sincere.:-/

I suppose we can't all be an ultracrepidarian.

Edit: stupid phone..
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