The Moderator Election and "Safe Space" Smacktalking and Smear Campaign Thread

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Yep. Most of the long-term members and many of the current and past staff came over from that site for the very reason you outlined above. This site is SUPER tolerant of conflicting opinions, even the ones that don't emanate from the site oligarchy. Here, there's toleration for civilians, conventional forces and *gasp* even support types. That's what makes this site attractive and, to me, unique in the field.

You forgot the tolerance shown for ex-pats and furriners too... we don't even hate the furriners, ex-pats, well, we kinda hate them a little.
In light of the overwhelming evidence indicating that @Deathy McDeath is a member of ISIS, is he even still considered an eligible candidate?

While we're on the subject, candidate @moobob also needs to be looked at for his racist, "capsizing islands," quote; which is an obvious attack on the Georgia Senator's race.

And what about @pardus , he claims to be from New Zealand. Everything I know about New Zealand I learned from Lord of the Rings- and trust me, it ain't a good place.

@metalmom is from Canada.

@AKkeith obviously shows religious bias with his cross picture.

As far as @Marauder06 is concerned, this guy should be investigated by law enforcement, not elected to the moderating staff. His screen name is an admission of guilt.
  1. roam in search of things to steal or people to attack.
    "war parties crossed the river to maraud"
@Red Flag 1 , easy, his name indicates a negative marking or problem.

Geez guys, it's not looking good. This is like having to pick between Obama and that guy that tortured his dog while on a family vacation.
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