The Moderator Election and "Safe Space" Smacktalking and Smear Campaign Thread

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Bashing the Cav has no place in this discussion, primarily because everyone bashes the Cav. Talking about Cav is like debating moving next to a known child molester. Everyone knows the answer.

I think I speak for all of the candidates when I say the cav sucks and has no place in our election.
Bashing the Cav has no place in this discussion, primarily because everyone bashes the Cav. Talking about Cav is like debating moving next to a known child molester. Everyone knows the answer.

I think I speak for all of the candidates when I say the cav sucks and has no place in our election.

Why do you always have to steal the wind from my sails?:wall:
Damn. While all the other candidates are bitching about Cav and shit, DEATHY MCDEATH pulls ahead once again! Gentlemen, the polls close tomorrow. I suggest you do some *actual* campaigning soon. SMDH.

Deathy McDeath - hittin' that split tail on the campaign trail!
Perhaps this thread has already run its course and all candidates have run out of triggers and micro/ macroaggression ideas.
I do have to admit, I never in a million years would have thought that anyone would have voted for @Deathy McDeath, much less, more people than voted for our resident sheep shagging islander @pardus. I guess it's safe to say it's the end of an era on here, beginning of a new, filled with acceptance of gay Muslims use of the transgender restroom while armed with "assault style machine grenade" in a gay bar. We're all fucked now. You crazy fools fell for @TLDR20 and Deathys bullshit. I give it a week before we're all being herded up into groups for our reeducation on dicks in dudes mouths are okay bullshit. As I type this out I can hear old Merle singing in my head "are we rolling down hill like a snowball heading for hell".

It's all over now...:evil:

I do have to admit, I never in a million years would have thought that anyone would have voted for @Deathy McDeath, much less, more people than voted for our resident sheep shagging islander @pardus. I guess it's safe to say it's the end of an era on here, beginning of a new, filled with acceptance of gay Muslims use of the transgender restroom while armed with "assault style machine grenade" in a gay bar. We're all fucked now. You crazy fools fell for @TLDR20 and Deathys bullshit. I give it a week before we're all being herded up into groups for our reeducation on dicks in dudes mouths are okay bullshit. As I type this out I can hear old Merle singing in my head "are we rolling down hill like a snowball heading for hell".

It's all over now...}:-)

Yeah that is what is coming. Versus if we had a bunch of conservatives talking about among other things : NOBAMA, Hillirat, Comrade obama, everything being a communist ploy to red cell America, racism being non-existent, FEMA death camps, government mind control, socialism, socialism, socialism, socialism, constitutional experts without a high school diploma, they took our jobs, gun control, so on and so on.....
Yeah that is what is coming. Versus if we had a bunch of conservatives talking about among other things : NOBAMA, Hillirat, Comrade obama, everything being a communist ploy to red cell America, racism being non-existent, FEMA death camps, government mind control, socialism, socialism, socialism, socialism, constitutional experts without a high school diploma, they took our jobs, gun control, so on and so on.....

Damn dude I was just jokingly talking shit in the smacktalking thread. Are you okay? I mean I get anyone who doesn't agree with your liberal views is a racist, uneducated Christian. But it's really not true, some of us actually can think for ourselves without political undertoned nonsense of what the latest and greatest crisis of the week is. I do get it, so come on over here buttercup, I'll give you the gayest liberal hug I can muster. :wall:

Edit: spelling
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Damn dude I was just jokingly talking shit in the smacktalking thread. Are you okay? I mean I get anyone who doesn't agree with your liberal views is a racist, uneducated Christian. But it's really not true, some of us actually can think for ourselves with political undertone nonsense of what the latest and greatest crisis of the week is. I do get it, some come on over here buttercup, I'll give you the gayest liberal hug I can muster. :wall:

I was talking shit back.
Since this thread is taking yet another twist -

@Deathy McDeath and @TLDR20 and their more liberal point-of-views have had an interesting affect on me the the past couple years; especially recently.

I've found myself questioning beliefs that I have carried for years. There are too many topics to list, and I do not want to start a debate about any of those topics in this thread, but I will say that their posts have caused me to look at things from a more human side vs. "cause I think it's weird, or gay, or whatever. "

To add, because of this I find that I spend significantly more time here than I do the other online-forum I frequent.


Because that site is ALL "the shit" TLDR described above and anyone who dares challenge the accepted paradym there is quickly shouted down and eventually banned if they do not conform. There are no real discussions or alternate points of view, it is as if I realized that the emperor really does not wear clothes. It just isn't fun there anymore. Which is actually okay.

All that shit aside.


@AKkeith for Mod!!!

You cannot allow Deathy to cross his stream with TLDR20!!! The outcome would be...icky.
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Because that site is ALL "the shit" TLDR described above and anyone who dares challenge the accepted paradym there is quickly shouted down and eventually banned if they do not conform. There are no real discussions or alternate points of view, it is as if I realized that the emperor really does not wear clothes. It just isn't fun there anymore. Which is actually okay.

Yep. Most of the long-term members and many of the current and past staff came over from that site for the very reason you outlined above. This site is SUPER tolerant of conflicting opinions, even the ones that don't emanate from the site oligarchy. Here, there's toleration for civilians, conventional forces and *gasp* even support types. That's what makes this site attractive and, to me, unique in the field.
Yep. Most of the long-term members and many of the current and past staff came over from that site for the very reason you outlined above. This site is SUPER tolerant of conflicting opinions, even the ones that don't emanate from the site oligarchy. Here, there's toleration for civilians, conventional forces and *gasp* even support types. That's what makes this site attractive and, to me, unique in the field.

You noticed that too, huh?

Forums in which conversation is a one way street will sometimes more quickly enable me to flesh out what position makes sense or what position is nonsense on an issue. Both site types have their value, IMO.

Now where is the reputation damaging chatter from the Mod hopefuls? That may truly be at an end....
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