The "New and Improved" Army Basic

I went through US basic in mid 2009, drill sgts, swore at, verbally abused, threatened physical violence and in one instance threw a helmet and bashed a recruit in the head with it on purpose and in front of the entire company command structure to include the CO.

This is all long after this article hit the news.

I don't know what is happening today, though I do know that alot depends on where someone attends basic training, mine was Ft Benning.

Sand Hill sucks lol

No bears? :(
I went through US basic in mid 2009, drill sgts, swore at, verbally abused, threatened physical violence and in one instance threw a helmet and bashed a recruit in the head with it on purpose and in front of the entire company command structure to include the CO.

That was just becuause they hated YOU. :)
Thats beacuse they were tought to respect their elders. When did the Army start letting people over 65 enlist?

Next week, you up of a beer?
I put a pregnant woman in the front leaning rest position for about 30 minutes one morning...when I was but a mere First Sergeant. Long story, but my entire company had pissed me off.

EDIT - it was one Soldier, but no one would own up........
From my buddy:
I've heard of this, but it doesn't happen at Benning. They do get 1 more hr of sleep now (7 hrs), but we still rush them through the chow hall. We yell and cuss here as well. The new PT program limits corrective training to 5 reps.

I don't understand why any one would soften up on basic training. I am joining as soon as my eyes fully heal from laser surgery and just saw the video already posted and this video. I know I am going to hate the fact I said this going through it, but I really want basic training to be difficult, so I can learn and gain as much from it as possible. Has any one gone through then "new version" of basic at Ft. Benning?

I don't understand why any one would soften up on basic training. I am joining as soon as my eyes fully heal from laser surgery and just saw the video already posted and this video. I know I am going to hate the fact I said this going through it, but I really want basic training to be difficult, so I can learn and gain as much from it as possible.

You learn when you get to your unit, BCT is just "Basic" it gives you basic skills and dicipline to get you ready for the kick in the nuts when you arive at your unit... At least thats how it use to be.
I know I am going to hate the fact I said this going through it, but I really want basic training to be difficult, so I can learn and gain as much from it as possible. Has any one gone through then "new version" of basic at Ft. Benning?

As pardus less-than-eloquently pointed it, we've already covered it....hmm, I think even I had that answer on the previous page, but I digress....

You want Basic to be difficult? Did you go off to Kindergarten or 1st Grade thumping your chest about how you wanted to learn algebra?
I've been seeing this crap since I've been out. I went back to Leonard Wood to visit some friends in '07 and was shocked to see trainees off post in bdus hanging out at Wal-Mart. I joined right after they did away with the stress-cards and before they started this. My unit was OSUT at the 35th ENG. We weren't allowed any sort of pass for the first 6 weeks and when we did get a pass, it was either one day Batt or one day Post. I think we got 3 total passes even through AIT. If we needed the phone outside of passes, we got to use one of the 8 pay phones outside once every couple of weeks and we had 30 minutes total to get through the entire platoon. Top that off with being smoked when we weren't in a class or doing some sort of training, ironmans in full NBC up and down all 3 floors for an hour or mule kicks in the war room until half the platoon popped and the walls sweated and that is weak even in comparison to how it used to be. Our drill sergeants weren't allowed to touch us unless it was life or death, ie, at the range when the one idiot turned around with his rifle to respond to an instructor or the asshole who refuses to throw the grenade.
I have a few friends going through basic now and I get updates from them on Facebook and they call or text from time to time. Hell, they get off-post passes in civvies. WTF?!!! They're even nerfing the reqs for schools like Airborne. Now you have to be in the 80th(?) percentile on your run for that instead of the grueling 6 mile. All I can say is OMFGWTHIWWTPASB's?