The Revenant

Diamondback 2/2

Verified Military
Jan 24, 2008
Military Mentor

Probably the best movie I've seen in a decade or better. Along the lines of dances with wolves, Lonesome dove, and the like. Wonderfully done, very few special effects, the bear scene was CGI, but damn you could never tell it. The whole movie was awesome IMO.

The story line is fucked, as it doesn't truly follow Hugh Glass's story of the ordeal he survived, so it loosely based on the true story and incorporated some story's of other events during the frontier era. If you were a history nerd about the frontier era (as I was and somewhat still am), you should fully enjoy the movie.

Funny, I took my wife to see it, about half way into it she tells me "there is no way anyone could survive something like that" so I told her "you do realize its loosely based on a true story". Of course she did not believe me until I made her read a wiki page about it. She asks me, how do you know all this stuff, so I pulled out my dads Time Life series that covers the entire beginning of America that I have been reading/referencing since I was like 6-7 yrs old. lol she called me a nerd...first time for everything I guess.

Go see it, its worth it.
Strong disagree. The movie may have been well shot, but it is tedious as fuck to watch.
I thought it was a good movie overall: a great story line, good acting, and the way it was filmed was incredible. Although, I was expecting it to be more than it was. I'm also not sure where the Oscar buzz is for DiCaprio comes from on this one as he has about a paragraph worth of script for the entire movie.
I'm looking forward to seeing this movie.

I just watched this...

And noticed that Tom Harvey was wearing the SAS Winged Dagger on his top. I did a little digging and it turns out that his grandfather was in the SAS and that Tom is an honourary member of the Royal Marines. Pretty Cool. :thumbsup:
Strong disagree. The movie may have been well shot, but it is tedious as fuck to watch.

I actually thought they did a good job at breaking up the long drawn out areas movie.

We don't agree often, but I have to say I can't agree more. I came out of that feeling used and abused for two hours straight

Did you or @TLDR20, ever watch Dances with Wolves all the way through? I wonder how you would compare the two movies.

I know we all have opinions and that's fine, but man, people were clapping in the theater after it ended, I was 'jaw dropped' shocked and my wife who won't watch anything but a chick flick was blown away. I mean like talked about for two days afterwards.

Anyway, I'm sorry you guys didn't like it, I'm actually somewhat shocked that you guys didn't.
I loved it. I love that period of history though.

Though the double shot pistol at the French camp pissed me off.
It was great.... if you like watching someone defy death and then suffer while SLOWLY getting better and lie in snow, crawl in snow, and walk in snow. The action scenes were pretty damn good but they were few and far between. DiCaprio did a fantastic job acting, but Tom Hardy's damn chewing noises in that one scene just about drove me insane.
I thought it was a good movie overall: a great story line, good acting, and the way it was filmed was incredible. Although, I was expecting it to be more than it was. I'm also not sure where the Oscar buzz is for DiCaprio comes from on this one as he has about a paragraph worth of script for the entire movie.

Acting is more than just delivering lines. Leo should have at least two Oscars by now.

The Revenant was good but I didn't love it. The long tracking shots were amazing, cinematography was on point. The think Hardy did a better job than Leo, I was actually rooting for him.
Acting is more than just delivering lines. Leo should have at least two Oscars by now.

The Revenant was good but I didn't love it. The long tracking shots were amazing, cinematography was on point. The think Hardy did a better job than Leo, I was actually rooting for him.

I agree. Tom Hardy was better.
Acting is more than just delivering lines. Leo should have at least two Oscars by now.

The Revenant was good but I didn't love it. The long tracking shots were amazing, cinematography was on point. The think Hardy did a better job than Leo, I was actually rooting for him.

I've been a Tom Hardy fan ever since "Tinker,Tailor, Soldier, Spy". His role in "Lawless" was stromg and impressive.