The Revenant

I thought the movie was pretty epic. If Leo doesn't get this, I don't know what will ever get him an Oscar...he'll end up like The Duke and win a pretty much lifetime achievement award for a film that I just don't think is good.

Innaritu just won Best he got to repeat I'll never know. Birdman was horrible.

Leo got it!!!
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Have you watched it with subtitles? I did the same thing as you, then my friend suggested the subtitles. I loved it after that.

I'll give that a shot. I normally watch Netflix while I'm on the treadmill, so subtitles would probably be helpful anyway.
In all fairness I liked The Revenant, technically. There were some eye-level extended drone shots that were simply amazing, especially during the opening battle, with the drone platform moving through and among the actors as they fought. Another extended drone segment had the camera floating in front of them as they scaled a steep incline, and continuing to move among them as they delivered dialogue upon reaching the summit. The choreography of the drone as it moved among the actors was quite impressive.

And the CGI bear-mauling was terrific.
I was rooting for the bear. He really gaped DiCaprio. I love nature porn, don't you?

Aside from your eh.... tastes.... I was hoping the Bear would get best actor.... There was one HUGE Griz that had a couple of movie parts several and even handed Billy Crystal (MY GOD did he look small next to the bear) a nomination envelope....

But HELL NO! The bear was fucking CGI... That really sucked....
I was asked the other day in all seriousness if I spoke English or American... :rolleyes: :wall:

Reading this thread makes me think that DLI should start an English course for Americans.
Bronson is the best "unknown" movie out there. If Hardy had been better known when that came out he very well could have won an Oscar or at least been nominated for it. The dude is amazing.

I'll have to add "Bronson" to my list of movies to see. I've liked him in all the films he has been in, and this one sounds pretty strong.