The Secret? Start 'em Early.

Holy fucking shit! WOW!

God that makes me want to take my 18 mth old out to the range... :evil:

Man I was 12 before I got on the comp side of shooting, 19 before I shot my first IDPA match.... Fuck! What A cool dad and hell of a kid!!!
Wow great job Mom and Dad. The shooter had a lot of control for the size and age. I never saw an unsafe move. Maybe a Tiger Wood of the shooting sport.
F'in sweet. I've got my 5yr old shooting my .22 rifle with decent accuracy, I teach shooting sports merit badges for the Boy Scouts, but he doesn't like sitting for longer than about 20 rds. I never thought letting him use the wife's pistol. He might like the moving around a little more.
By the time he's 20 Rob Leatham and Todd Jarret will be out of the game.

I agree, the Tiger Woods of pistol comp shooting. ;)
I started my sons at around 8 and 9 with BB guns, post a Marine PMI safety lecture that made their ears ring for three weeks...and a couple of confiscations after a few minor safety infractions (just to let them know I wasn't kidding) and then bumped them to .22s when they hit double digits. My youngest, now 13, is The man with a handgun...and my middle boy, 16, is a steel-eyed rifleman. (My oldest son, 19, only shoots footballs. :D)

But I can trust the younger boys to avenge my death. This is a comfort to me.
I started my daughter off at 7 w/ a .22 Henry Mini Bolt and a NRA Life Membership. Still having issues w/ being a right handed shooter w/ lt eye dominance. Definately better tho
I started my daughter off at 7 w/ a .22 Henry Mini Bolt and a NRA Life Membership. Still having issues w/ being a right handed shooter w/ lt eye dominance. Definately better tho

Have her wear an eye patch for a few hours every day, just normal stuff walking, playing, playing video games or whatever. She will have headache's for the first week or two (caused by eye strain) but after about week 3 she will start to develop the strength in her right eye...

I have had to do this for a few people and it gives great results if they stay with it.:2c: