So, in a package the size of an M4, you've got a actual man-stopping, 7.62 rifle that's holding 1 minute of angle out to 900 yards, even with a 12.5" barrel.
So, in a package the size of an M4, you've got a actual man-stopping, 7.62 rifle that's holding 1 minute of angle out to 900 yards, even with a 12.5" barrel.
I think I saw 45 ACP brass ammo for like $375 for 500 rounds:eek::doh: WTF?![]()
I have the XD, and I even got a nice 3lb trigger put in it. Its ok, but I like the M&P. I shoot both guns very well, however, the M&P has a better stock trigger, it fits my hands better and I can hit the mag release with my stubby thumb and before the mag hits the floor I have a new mag in the well. IMO the mag well is better, the recoil is better and the stock trigger is better than the XD. We all have our own preferences, and I do like the XD and I won't get rid of mine, but the M&P is a much better fit for me. At work I carry a glock, and those are nice to. I won a competition last year with a stock glock 19 and I ended up winning a complete M4. Not bad for a stock Glock.
I started stocking up a while ago on ammo. Before we even knew who was going to be in office. You have to have at least 1000 rounds for each gun you own in your house. Maybe I am just paranoid.
Not bad at all...
Are your running the XD or the new XD (M)? At 25 yards my M&P groups have gotten bigger and bigger:confused: last shot group was like 10 inches:eek: Being a 1911 comp shooter, thats a fucking NO-GO for me. I shot the XD(M) the other day and was shooting 2 to 3 inch groups at 25 yards, and that just fucking "wow'ed" me.
XD(M) 9mm
19 rounds in the mag.
Match sights and trigger (4.5)
changeable back strap.
comes with 3 mags.
mag pouches and hoster.
$550 It's my next buy.
I love Glock as well, but my G19 was worn out and i retired it with the MP.:doh:
I am thinking about buying this gun to shoot in local competitions. I am a pretty competitive shooter and I am ready to bump up to something better. Tell me what you think. This guy is just up the road from me and has a great reputation.
I have both, XD and XD M. I don't have that problem of 10 inches at 25 yards with my M&P. My groups are tight as hell. Another reason I like my M&P over my XD M is because the XD is only 4 1/2 inches, and my M&P is 5 inches. You are the only one I know who has had a problem with that M&P. I even talked to Kyle Lamb about his M&P and he has nothing but good things ot say about it. Either way, guns fit people differently. I am never retiring my Glock, I took it to Mid South Shooting Institute three different times and it has 20k plus rounds out of it in less than a year and I clean it, and use it as my concealed weapon. I don't shoot it in production comps anymore because it is too short. I like a nice 5 inch gun.
Sorry for the hijack!
Sawman - do you reload or what is your fav 7.62 round for distance and accuracy?
want and comparing it to the XDm shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. That XDm is the cats ass!;)