Thinking Red : Welcome!

Thanks for the translation, Swill! But instead of attending the Sergrant Major Academy, I went to Iraq, and then went through the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy - Class 127/Grey Group, Hooah!

So, I was surrounded by khaki after spending a year in the desert surrounded by sand!

And.......I've been pinned, by the MCPON (Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy - Joe Campa) as an honorary Master Chief Petty Officer - I wear the anchors and stars pinned under the lapel on my Mess Dress jacket :D
A bunch of impressive folks I tell yah. Thanks for letting clowns like me hang out.
Damn, car, you are salty. Ha ha. That's awesome. I remember when MCPON Hagan came to Great Lakes to talk to some new guys. I was in the second row or so and I couldn't take my eyes off of that third star. Intimidating! :)
Worked with John when he was an ET1, back at Team 21. Last saw him in '95 up at the Annex. He's good people.
On another topic, there are bound to be many opinions about the proposed appointment of Leon Panetta to DCI. Thoughts?
One other thing, with much debate and posturing over this (again, another) appointment of (fmr) Illinois Atty-Gen. Burris to occupy BHO's vacated Senate seat, an Illinois representative has staked out his position; that being, the Governor has placed himself under a cloud of disrepute, any appointment he would make is corrupted. The will of the people of the State of Illinois has been circumvented. Therefore, a Special Election should be held. -Rep. Mark Kirk, (IL-R), is a Navy Reserve Intelligence Officer.
More reading:
Im a retired Major with prior enlisted time, USAF, 13 years active, 11 reserve. Most of the reserve time(including a 9/11 active duty recall..) was with SOCCENT. I was the intel ops officer for the JFSOCC for the early part of enduring freedom and also served as J2 at JSOTF-S. I've always been an intel guy. Prior to my SOF experience I was assigned to: 70th Fighter Squadron(F4E), 347th Fighter Wing, CIA (ugh) ,US Army CAC(at not in Leavenworth) and Asst Professor Political Science-US Air Force Academy.

As a reservist I also served two six month tours with JTF-6 as a counter narcotics intel analyst.
Special welcome to the Troll! I should go ahead and update mine. I'm with Regiment S2, 160th these days. Loving every damn minute of it!
Hey everyone,
First I wanna say that I have a great amount of respect for everyone here and I wanna thank you for letting me be a part of this group. After reading everyones experience, I feel like a new PVT. Well I was originally in the Ordnance field (mechanic, not EOD), but after seeing all my leaders retire as SSG's due to lack of promotion oppurtunities, I reclassed to 35G (Imagery Analyst), I also didn't feel that I was part of the fight, just sitting in a motorpool turning wrenches for vehicles that weren't going anywhere. I just got done with the school and I volunteered for the 160th because the Army has never deployed me and I don't want end up somewhere again where I don't deploy. I've been in 5 years this Nov, and my previous assignments are Babenhausen and Baumholder, Germany, Fort Lewis, and coming up in a couple months, Hunter AAF. I'm really looking forward to this assignment and Green Platoon.
Hey-a intel types.

Relatively new 35M here, came in '07 and have deployed once for 15 months to IZ. All of it with the 525 out of Bragg. Despite being young to the Army, I'm over 30 so I'm a veteran of life. :P

Might have a chance to get an extra, shorter, deployment soon, only to return to the 525 and deploy again for even more intel insanity. Am keeping my fingers crossed that that goes through -- would love the extra work down-range, especially supporting guys like those who populate this site.

If you guys have any questions about the MFT's (Multi-functional-teams) that are popping up, shoot me a PM and I'll answer what I can.