This is why I'm not Airborne

Anyone else surprised this is a Russian video? I know we've all seen the dash cam ones out there, they seems to do things not quite right but you can't stop watching.
No combat load, or generally any gear at all.

What the crazy Ranger's wife said. All jumps in Division or Ranger Batt are combat load...full ruck with name the MOS gear, aid bag for medic, radio for commo, dragon gunner, go gunner, mortars.....Plus 1950 (M4 bag), main chute, reserve, blah, blah, blah. It all hangs between you're legs and they fall asleep. Then you have to manage to exit the aircraft. Real fun.....While you gotta pee bad. Ask any Paratrooper / Ranger, what ever what the first thing on the ground...after popping said canopy release is and if they tell you get weapon ready, they are lying. It is get in a combat ready position, pull you're junk out and relieve yourself, then get weapon ready. LOL.

I can remember........2 total hollywood jumps planned/executed at Batt. One of which was my tree landing which also happened to be the softest landing I ever had, thanks to the tree catching canopy and bending down to where I was placed on the ground kindly by the pine gods. The other was a pay-hurt jump for some reason I got slated for without being pay hurt, was supposed to be a blackhawk jump departing from Peden Field... ended up the only people who got to jump before winds were too high was reups.
We actually jump hollywood in the Marine Corps all the time. We aren't allowed to jump combat equipment, at night or into water (intentionally) if we aren't current so we normally start a jump package with a slick jump or two. We also do quarterly hollywood jumps to get everyone current who isn't.
We actually jump hollywood in the Marine Corps all the time. We aren't allowed to jump combat equipment, at night or into water (intentionally) if we aren't current so we normally start a jump package with a slick jump or two. We also do quarterly hollywood jumps to get everyone current who isn't.

We jumped Hollywood in Group more than CE.
Jumping rounds is lame, you will feel differently when you attend free fall.

Pre-skydiving: Man, I love jumping with the Army even when it sucks,
Post-skydiving: Screw this. A round driving my dick into the dirt on every jump? Do I have to jump this month? What's the point, I'm in Support Co.?