We haven't done one of these in a while, so here goes.
@AWP 's post in this thread about the military-industrial complex got me thinking about a topic I have been mulling over for a while now.
My hypothesis is that the political-media complex currently gripping our country is FAR more of a danger to our Republic than the military-industrial complex is, or ever was.
1) do you agree or disagree with this concept? (if you agree, how do you define the political-military complex)
2) here is a link to Eisenhower's military-industrial complex speech (part IV of the link). What part(s) of it would you re-write to reflect the danger of the pol-med threat?
full disclosure: I'm most likely going to write an article about this, and will include some of this (not attributed) conversation in the piece.
@AWP 's post in this thread about the military-industrial complex got me thinking about a topic I have been mulling over for a while now.
My hypothesis is that the political-media complex currently gripping our country is FAR more of a danger to our Republic than the military-industrial complex is, or ever was.
1) do you agree or disagree with this concept? (if you agree, how do you define the political-military complex)
2) here is a link to Eisenhower's military-industrial complex speech (part IV of the link). What part(s) of it would you re-write to reflect the danger of the pol-med threat?
full disclosure: I'm most likely going to write an article about this, and will include some of this (not attributed) conversation in the piece.