Training for SWCC, does my program look good?


Mar 22, 2024
I am currently training for SWCC, i made this training plan myself and I am currently on week 7 of it. I have seen progress with this plan for sure but I want to be as in shape as possible before the warrior program as I know once im in, my results will sky rocket as I personally knew someone from the program. I met all requirements for the ASVAB as I took it in school and I have 3 more months until I can officially get the process started as I meet the grade requirement then. What changes can i make to this or what else can i do to improve my self while waiting?

Sealfit= a cross fit program made for seal/ swcc preparation

Dl= Deadlift
DragonFlag= Core exercise, helps with core stability
Basic 3= pushups, pullups, situps

I also swim on the weekdays but it is not listed as I am on a swim team. I also lift after I swim so it makes things brutal

I have been preparing for this since the end of 2022 and I am serious about this. To me this isn’t a dream its a goal of mine


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Post in thread 'SWCC Selection & Training Advice.'
SWCC Selection & Training Advice.

Check this out.

You need to do a lot more pushups and a lot more sit ups. There is no way you are running a 5:34 mile and a half. Assuming that’s your mile time, that’s awesome but make sure you train to the mile and a half. You will have to take both a 3 mile and a 4 mile test to get out of Prep, so train to those as well, but your priority should be the 1.5 for now.

It is worth noting also that you will run about 16 miles a day, so getting your general mileage up would be ideal.

Everything else you are doing looks great, but that is all supplementary. Focus on pushups, pull ups, sit ups, and running. You shouldn’t ignore the rest but those should be your priority. You WILL fail the pipeline if your body is too destroyed to make the minimum test standard. Your numbers right now will not make it. The entire selection is going to be similar to CrossFit but never ending so that is a good place. I’m glad to hear you are on the swim team, but try and play waterpolo, even if it’s for a little. You need to be able to tread like a waterpolo player, and encourage them to drown you, because that is what the instructors will do.
Make sure you are training the combat swimmer side stroke.

Also, keep up that hand strength, that will make or break guys as well.

Don’t worry about your height and weight, there are people of all sizes.
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