Training tips for BUD/S?


Oct 1, 2009
Well the plan is to join the navy and try to get commissioned as an officer and become a SEAL or just enlist as a SEAL at first if that option isn't available and then apply to become an officer. Problem is I haven't worked out since high school but the good news is Im still in relatively good shape do to staying active playing hockey and have a year and a half till I graduate from college. Anyone got any good sites to look at? I was looking at this book, The Complete Guide to Navy Seal Fitness, Third Edition, because it got pretty good reviews. Also anyone know the best book for preparing for the ASVAB as from the practice tests its a lot of general knowledge and certain areas like mechanical comprehension I am definitely lacking. Probably going to get the 2009 edition of ASVAB for dummies as that got good reviews too and its only $10 but any other good book recommendations would be greatly appreciated.Also any input on how I'm going about reaching my current destination,Navy SEAL Officer, or if you can shed any light on the process would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Have you tried using the search feature yet? There is lots of advice floating around here....
You realize you need a Degree to become an officer right!?!

uh yea, i graduate with a double major in a year. and :doh: at searching. assumed since this subforum only had 1 page of topics there wasnt anything else.

lol fuck that, im going to train as best as i can for the next year and a few months. only way im leavin BUD/S if i get in is graduating or them bootin me out due to injury, and even then ill be dragging my feet. and didnt find much searchin and siftin through the 6 pages of results. couple threads but mostly just run alot, do the pt test a lot and eat right but i guess what else is there that you can do haha :D and didnt find any advice on becoming an officer in the seals although found an article someone posted saying more and more enlisted marines have college degrees and a few of the officers were rhodes scholars which sucks 'cus im no rhodes scholar haha.
Hmm...hasn't worked out since high school....capitalized SEAL in the first part of his post and then failed to do it in other posts.

Becoming an Officer in any branch = doing your best; self starter = you failed.
The obvious is if you don't have a degree you can't be an officer, but you can go enlisted and still kick ass. To train for BUD/s, Crossfit Crossfit Crossfit! Good luck and don't let anyone get in your way, if you want to do it then do it.
Hmm...hasn't worked out since high school....capitalized SEAL in the first part of his post and then failed to do it in other posts.

Becoming an Officer in any branch = doing your best; self starter = you failed.

Which is rather obvious.

Geez, sorry I don't take the time to meticulously edit and proof read my posts on a public internet forum. What a friendly group of individuals. Also, the only time I did not capitalize SEAL is when I copy pasted the title of a book, so please get off your high horse. I only came to this forum looking for advice and most of you were pricks. I am a double major in two difficult subjects, mathematics and economics, at one of the top universities in the world. While I may not have formally worked out in a while like I did while in high school I still have continued to play hockey at least three nights a week. I just don't consider that "working out".

edit: Thank you for the encouragement ccford11 and moobob, and thank you Boon for reminding me of the search feature haha. I did find some useful information.
Geez, sorry I don't take the time to meticulously edit and proof read my posts on a public internet forum. What a friendly group of individuals. Also, the only time I did not capitalize SEAL is when I copy pasted the title of a book, so please get off your high horse. I only came to this forum looking for advice and most of you were pricks. I am a double major in two difficult subjects, mathematics and economics, at one of the top universities in the world. While I may not have formally worked out in a while like I did while in high school I still have continued to play hockey at least three nights a week. I just don't consider that "working out".

I suppose this will be the last time I post on this forum then unless anyone offers any constructive advice or after I become a Navy SEAL and get vetted so you assholes feel dumb.

Write like an idiot and you'll be treated like one. I don't care what your majors are or the school you attend, if you communicate poorly it speaks volumes of you as an individual. You didn't make one mistake, you made a series of them. Get some thicker skin.
Write like an idiot and you'll be treated like one. I don't care what your majors are or the school you attend, if you communicate poorly it speaks volumes of you as an individual. You didn't make one mistake, you made a series of them. Get some thicker skin.

Ha, I can already tell what direction our little tango will go if I respond just due to the consequences of communication via text. In lieu of that all I will say is yes sir, I will do my best to communicate in a formal manner from here on out, sir.
I suppose this will be the last time I post on this forum then unless anyone offers any constructive advice or after I become a Navy SEAL and get vetted so you assholes feel dumb.

I'm no SEAL but I have been on the board for awhile so I will try to give you some friendly advice.

People come and go on this board talking about what they will do in the future and what a hard charger they are and they will never quit.

Many of the members on this board are the guys that have actually went thru the selection process successfully and made the sacrifices that others hard charging talkers dreamed about only to fall by the wayside during selection. Statements about what your going to do doesn't impress anyone on this board.

The criticism you have received on this thread is only a small taste of what will await you in any of the armed service, much less going thru an SOF selection process. I would suggest you work on a little thicker skin if you have hopes of making a career in the military.

If you look at your first post from another persons perspective it basically says I really haven't done any prep work on my own. I really haven't researched this site. Someone please spoon feed me what I should do to reach MY dream because I'm to lazy to help myself out. That how your post probably reads to the guys that have BTDT.

You want advice from people in the know I would come offering something like, "I'm working on my fitness prior to joining the Navy and this is my current work out. What other exercise can I be working on to help me get into BUD/S program?"

Your a little over a year out. You should be working out today to start preparations. What kind of pool work you putting in? What's your running program? You lifting weights, doing push ups etc? BUD/S is not Big Navy where they will let you come in a work yourself into shape. You better be prepared if you want to stay when you get there.

Nobody is going to spoon feed you success here. If your not out there being a self starter the BTDT crowd isn't going to jump in to try and help you get started.

Lose the attitude in the quoted post because that is just a self inflicted wound on this board.
Ha, I can already tell what direction our little tango will go if I respond just due to the consequences of communication via text. In lieu of that all I will say is yes sir, I will do my best to communicate in a formal manner from here on out, sir.

You probably need to remind yourself of a couple of things:
1. Free is an admin on the site, that does make him "Sir" worthy.
2. The other people giving you advice and being so-called "pricks" have successfully made it through at least one area of the SOF pipeline, and may have gone from NCO to Officer.
3. You are the new guy here, and have not proven yourself in any way.
4. Most of the people who have given you advice have college degrees, or many hours of college courses... plus the jobs they perform in the services, require higher intelligence and common sense than just having a formal education... they were chosen for multiple reasons - one being intelligence (book smarts), another common sense.
5. You do need to thicken your skin, what you saw here is a miniscule portion of even what you will see the first day of Basic. Yes, you will have to do (the NAVY equivalent of) Basic, AIT, OCS, OBC, some real officer time, then BUDs, then the remainder of the SEAL course, probation, and then get assigned to a Team... You have not even begun yet, and the guys you are dissing are veteran SOF guys... think about it, drop the attitude, and apologize for being a whiny little puke.

My :2c:, YMMV

Oh, I have more than 2 college degrees, 2 SF MOSs, and a couple more, non-SF MOSs ... I am qualified to dress you down and give you advice.

You keep your same attitude and you'll be an unemployed mathmetician/economist or a NAVY finance officer, if they let you in.
You probably need to remind yourself of a couple of things:
1. Free is an admin on the site, that does make him "Sir" worthy.
2. The other people giving you advice and being so-called "pricks" have successfully made it through at least one area of the SOF pipeline, and may have gone from NCO to Officer.
3. You are the new guy here, and have not proven yourself in any way.
4. Most of the people who have given you advice have college degrees, or many hours of college courses... plus the jobs they perform in the services, require higher intelligence and common sense than just having a formal education... they were chosen for multiple reasons - one being intelligence (book smarts), another common sense.
5. You do need to thicken your skin, what you saw here is a miniscule portion of even what you will see the first day of Basic. Yes, you will have to do (the NAVY equivalent of) Basic, AIT, OCS, OBC, some real officer time, then BUDs, then the remainder of the SEAL course, probation, and then get assigned to a Team... You have not even begun yet, and the guys you are dissing are veteran SOF guys... think about it, drop the attitude, and apologize for being a whiny little puke.

My :2c:, YMMV

Oh, I have more than 2 college degrees, 2 SF MOSs, and a couple more, non-SF MOSs ... I am qualified to dress you down and give you advice.

You keep your same attitude and you'll be an unemployed mathmetician/economist or a NAVY finance officer, if they let you in.

Alright, plan thus far:

Nutrition: Ordered a book so no organized meal layout as of yet. Stopped drinking soda and eating snack food.

Workout Plan:

Doing Stew Smith's workout plan category I;

Catergory II after.

Would it be beneficial to hire a swimming coach at the start to get the form down for side stroke? Some friends who swim said its a lot like dancing in that form is very important and you get a lot of your speed from good form.
I made a printable excel sheet of Stew Smith's free workout. Feel free to edit and re-post with suggestions. Suggestions made in the file should be made in a different color so as to be easily recognizable please. Thanks and I apologize for the earlier attitude.


Have you tried Everything you're asking has been asked thousands of times before. What's a better investment of your time: posting a question and then waiting for days for replies to pile up OR spending 4 hours reading the de facto website of the very group you're trying to get in to.