Well the plan is to join the navy and try to get commissioned as an officer and become a SEAL or just enlist as a SEAL at first if that option isn't available and then apply to become an officer. Problem is I haven't worked out since high school but the good news is Im still in relatively good shape do to staying active playing hockey and have a year and a half till I graduate from college. Anyone got any good sites to look at? I was looking at this book, The Complete Guide to Navy Seal Fitness, Third Edition, because it got pretty good reviews. Also anyone know the best book for preparing for the ASVAB as from the practice tests its a lot of general knowledge and certain areas like mechanical comprehension I am definitely lacking. Probably going to get the 2009 edition of ASVAB for dummies as that got good reviews too and its only $10 but any other good book recommendations would be greatly appreciated.Also any input on how I'm going about reaching my current destination,Navy SEAL Officer, or if you can shed any light on the process would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.