Trayvon Martin Case

A Scott vs. JBS discussion on this topic would likely be very informative, and probably highly entertaining. It would also be nice if Bravo Five Romeo would come back around and chime in every once in a while.
That's the first time I have ever heard anyone say "I wish B5R was participating in this thread" ever. I'll fire him of a PM on the "other" site.
That's the first time I have ever heard anyone say "I wish B5R was participating in this thread" ever. I'll fire him of a PM on the "other" site.


B5R is extraordinarily well-informed and knows how to make a coherent argument without resulting to juvenile tactics or getting all butt-hurt when people don't agree with him.

Of course, I still think he's wrong most of time time... ;)
It isn't Liberalism or any other mass generalization of a group of people. I will be the first to say piss on Sharpton and Jackson. I met Jesse Jackson and he is literally an idiot in the same way Sarah Palin is. Get either one beyond a talking point and you find out the true nature of there intellect or lack of it. Sharpton and Jackson are both opportunistic vultures ready to exploit any tragedy to push there personal agendas. There are people on both sides of the isle ready to do the same thing and I will refrain from offering example for the sake of not side tracking the thread.

I have a problem with what happened and it has nothing to do with race and so do a lot of other people. There has been a lot of stupid crap said from all sides but the good news is there will be a thorough investigation of the incident and the parents will hopefully get better answers when it is all said and done.

Armageddon is here, get under your desks, roll into a ball, and kiss your assess goodbye.... I'm agreeing with Scotth :-oO_o:ehh:

One of the initial reasons I have never had respect for Sharpton, Jackson and their ilk.... case in point Tawana Brawley. This current case is nothing new for these guys, they have been fomenting dissent and racial discontent for decades. They offer to help lower the boiling point instead of actually doing something to change what they see as injustice... Stir the pot instead of educate and elevate. They are as complicit in the current furor as is the MSM, NBC in particular in making this a larger issue than it should be.

Whatever happened - both sides (Zimmerman and Williams) appear to have been wrong in some way in this situation... I wasn't there, I don't know. But the assclowns that state with conviction that they know what happened and that it was certain that either side was wrong or right are just looking for attention.

Let this play out properly in the police investigations and courts of law - don't turn it into a Helter-Skelter race situation promulgated by either side.

Forgive me, I thought the police already investigated this?

I believe it is still under investigation. The media circus surrounding this isn't helping the investigation, nor is the 'uproar' caused by the shit stirrers. IMHO, both of the pricipals in this mess appear to have complicity in how this played out and both sides are at fault to a greater or lesser degree.
Neighbourhood watch captain George Zimmerman, a white Hispanic, fatally shot 17-year-old Martin inside a gated community in the Florida town of Sanford on February 26.
White Hispanic?!? I just got a brand new 6 pack from laughing that off. Holy shit. That's like calling someone a white African-American.
White Hispanic?!? I just got a brand new 6 pack from laughing that off. Holy shit. That's like calling someone a white African-American.
Mmm... technically, although I'm not certain it is true in the case of Zimmerman, there are Hispanics from - say- certain S. American countries (for example where big populations of Germans, French and Dutch migrated) and Spain that are white in the European sense. And there are white African Americans, too, LOL. Two of my friends in HS were whites from S. Africa who came to the US, brought by their father to get away from the violence, and they were white as can be. They used to go up to black people, and say with that Afrikaaner accent, "hey man, I'm more African than you!", and everyone would laugh.

At the very least, maybe they (the paper) deserve half credit for showing that Zimmerman was a minority. I think that's the point. It was an incident between two minorities, whereas the rest of the media want to push the white-vs.-black thing.

"The law should operate equally in respect of all violations. I will be awaiting an investigation and prosecution and trial and of course reparations for the victims concerned," Ms Pillay said.

The is more bullshit political posturing by people who are going off half-cocked in the absence of facts to advance their own personal agendas. If she thinks reparations are in order, it means she has already made up her mind about the case, and not only Zimmerman guilty, but so is the United States as a country. Do you know what the term "reparations" means when it is coming from the UN Human Rights chief? --> measures taken by the state to redress gross and systematic violations of human rights law or humanitarian law . Think about that for a moment. The chief of the UN Human Rights High Commission has already made up her mind about this case, and has determined that it is a result of "gross and systematic violations of human rights." :thumbsdown: So much for objectivity. I guess it's a good thing for us that the UN is almost totally irrelevant. Next you'll be hearing about someone from the UN is going to stop the fighting in Syria. Oh wait...

White Hispanic?!? I just got a brand new 6 pack from laughing that off. Holy shit. That's like calling someone a white African-American.

While the term is technically correct, it is used by the press to keep casting this in racial tones, particularly black/white. Why is it being done? Because no one seems to care when it's minority-on-minority violence. There is no fame in crusading against minority violence, and more importantly, there is no money in it. But make this black/white, even tangentially, and boy do you have something there! Especially when you can throw up pictures from five years ago that show a young innocent boy against a clearly guilty (because he's wearing prison orange) grown man, and if you can edit audio to take things completely out of context.

This whole case is rotten, top to bottom.
White Hispanic?!? I just got a brand new 6 pack from laughing that off. Holy shit. That's like calling someone a white African-American.
Someone can be, say, Argentinian with all of their ancestors coming from Germany And Italy, and they'd still be Hispanic. Or Cubans who are descendants of Arabs- still Hispanic. Not trying to dogpile just giving a few examples
No, I understand exactly what everyone is saying. I'm not that stupid, guys. ;) I was just trying to point out that they're exploiting the fact he is "part white" to make this white vs. black and how ridiculous it was.
No, I understand exactly what everyone is saying. I'm not that stupid, guys. ;) I was just trying to point out that they're exploiting the fact he is "part white" to make this white vs. black and how ridiculous it was.
I get what you're saying. I feel the same way- most people I know, no matter what their "race" , if they're Hispanic/Latino, they usually identify as the latter and not as "white" or "black"
This is the first article I have seen from a major news outlet portraying Zimmerman in at least a semi-positive manner.
SANFORD, Fla. — New analysis of calls to police made by George Zimmerman, who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, show a man who never offered up race as a descriptor of suspicious people in the neighborhood watch area until being prompted by a dispatcher. On the calls he made to Sanford, Fla., police he seems reluctant to take initiative in pursuing one suspicious man.
Since August 2011, Zimmerman called in to a non-emergency police line seven times, according to documents released by the Sanford Police Department. Of those calls, five were made to report a “suspicious person.” In the audio released by Seminole County Sheriff’s Department, he describes the suspicious characters as black or African-American, though never mentioning race until after asked to describe the characters. Five of calls all began similarly, with Zimmerman saying that he was calling as a result of past break-ins or robberies.
Zimmerman appears to be quite business-like in the calls, offering detailed descriptions of what he was seeing in a matter-of-fact manner. On one call he relates details of kids playing in the street, darting by passing cars.
In another call he described two “suspicious” men that he said were loitering, adding that he had “never seen them before.” Another described a black male wearing a black leather jacket and hat with ear flaps. Zimmerman said that he had seen the man picking up trash and “didn’t know what his deal was.” In this call, Zimmerman adds that, “I don’t want to approach him personally.”

Also, in regards to this nonsense about who yelled "Help!" during the scuffle, did anyone see where the lead detective told the local newspaper that Trayvon's father said that the voice was not his son's? And when the case went national the father retracted the statement. Nice..

I can multitask ;) I'm in school, and I'm going back and forth between researching for my papers online and writing them, whenever I find something interesting I drop in here and post up.