Trayvon Martin Case

I believe PoliceMedic was referring to the President's comments on the SCOTUS overturning Obama-Care and that what I was directing my comments towards. I'm hoping that the whole Obama-Care legislation gets thrown out but that kind of side tracks the thread.
Gotcha. Just wanted to understand which one you meant. Thank you. :D
It could be argued that the SCOTUS made it political when they took the hot button issue on in an election year.

That is from a guy who hopes the SCOTUS strikes down the whole law.

I see your point but SCOTUS doesn't solicit or pick cases to review on its own. The Obamacare litigation was submitted to the Court at a particular time consistent with its travel through the appellate courts and landed on the docket when it did.

I also think the argument can be made that many SCOTUS decisions have political ramifications but I don't think that is the goal of the Court.
I also think the argument can be made that many SCOTUS decisions have political ramifications but I don't think that is the goal of the Court.

I disagree with this part. I think the SC Justices have been inserting, or attempting to insert, their own personal politics into decisions for a LONG time. I do not think they always have the law or the Constitution in mind when making rulings.
I see your point but SCOTUS doesn't solicit or pick cases to review on its own. The Obamacare litigation was submitted to the Court at a particular time consistent with its travel through the appellate courts and landed on the docket when it did.

I also think the argument can be made that many SCOTUS decisions have political ramifications but I don't think that is the goal of the Court.

Well we will have to agree to disagree. The court is petition to review 4500 cases a year and decide only 200 cases. They have a lot of latitude on which cases they hear and there is law and legal precedent that the court will not hear a tax collection issue until the law is actually in effect. It was called the Anti-Injuction Act and in a nutshell says pay first and litigate later and that could have given them the wiggle room to avoid the issue if they chose to.

Two separate courts ruled exactly that that was the case.$file/11-5047-1340594.pdf

Like I said it was a bad law and I'm sick of all the arguing about it. I hope the whole thing gets jettisoned.

There will come a tipping-point for health care in this country and it may take 10-20 years to get to that point. When that day comes there will be whole sale changes made to the system because the cost of the current system will get so out of hand and so many people will be without any health care that the American public will demand change. All the people opposed to real change today will look back fondly at what little real change Obama-care made to the system.:-)
Your neighbors asked who we were when we walked on the street and they didn't know us.... then wondered if we were right in the head when we said we were visiting you... and I know that at least 3 of the neighbors we met were armed, they printed very nicely...

Well, well, well...

NBC has completed its investigation into the mishandling of the police dispatcher’s conversation with George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case. And the process ends with a finding of error, plus an apology. Here is the statement just issued by the network:
During our investigation it became evident that there was an error made in the production process that we deeply regret. We will be taking the necessary steps to prevent this from happening in the future and apologize to our viewers.​
That apology addresses the “Today” show’s failure to abridge accurately the conversation between Zimmerman and the dispatcher in this high-profile case. This is how the program portrayed a segment of that conversation:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.​
And here is how it actually went down:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.​
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?​
Zimmerman: He looks black.​
No matter how you feel about Zimmerman, that bit of tape editing was unfair to the truth and to Zimmerman’s reputation, such as it is. Reaction on Twitter and elsewhere to my previous post on this matter, was brutal toward NBC, with many comments suggesting the worst about the network’s motivations, reliability and so on.
Does the statement adequately address those concerns? On the good front, it acknowledges the mistake and apologizes to viewers for the bad editing. It’s a forthright correction and spares us any excuses about the faulty portrayal. On the bad front, the statement is skimpy on the details on just how the mistake unfolded. Nor does it articulate an apology directly to George Zimmerman, the “viewer” who is most aggrieved by the screw-up. In light of all that’s happened, Zimmerman may be a tough person for a news network to apologize to, but that’s just the point: Apologies are hard.

During our investigation it became evident that there was an error made in the production process that we deeply regret.
Translation: We're only sorry because someone called us out and we got caught.

We will be taking the necessary steps to prevent this from happening in the future and apologize to our viewers.
Translation: We will do this again when the right time comes. We're sorry to our viewers....but George Zimmerman can go fuck himself.
Anyone in the media that was and is complicit in the slandering of Zimmerman and turning this into a race issue and anyone who is a "supporter" of the dirtbag who was killed can go fuck themselves IMO.

I'm fucking sick of this and the way this country is heading with regards to race.
Sorry, but NO you dont get a free pass if you're black, now that the POTUS is half black, and NO white people aren't the devil now.
That irritates me more than anything, that the media is so fucked up they made this a black white issue when there was no white person involved in the whole fucking affair!
Anyone in the media that was and is complicit in the slandering of Zimmerman and turning this into a race issue and anyone who is a "supporter" of the dirtbag who was killed can go fuck themselves IMO.

I'm fucking sick of this and the way this country is heading with regards to race.
Sorry, but NO you dont get a free pass if you're black, now that the POTUS is half black, and NO white people aren't the devil now.
That irritates me more than anything, that the media is so fucked up they made this a black white issue when there was no white person involved in the whole fucking affair!
While I completely agree with how you feel, one part is slightly incorrect..... Zimmerman is a white Hispanic. Being Hispanic is not a race it is an ethnicity. There are black and white Hispanics. From what his father said publicly he has both sides in his family. So technically he is probably a bit of both. :nerd:
Anyone in the media that was and is complicit in the slandering of Zimmerman and turning this into a race issue and anyone who is a "supporter" of the dirtbag who was killed can go fuck themselves IMO.

I'm fucking sick of this and the way this country is heading with regards to race.
Sorry, but NO you dont get a free pass if you're black, now that the POTUS is half black, and NO white people aren't the devil now.
That irritates me more than anything, that the media is so fucked up they made this a black white issue when there was no white person involved in the whole fucking affair!

Some are.
Wow... someone with guts enough to call a spade a spade. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
...Juan Williams’s Wall Street Journal article sums up what black activists are conveniently ignoring in their outrage over a single black teen’s death: that “nationally, nearly half of all murder victims are black. And the overwhelming majority of those black people are killed by other black people.”

Instead of wearing hoodies and participating in what I call hollow racial protests, the NAACP, black congressmen and concerned citizens need to be showing outrage at the cancer called the breakdown of the American black family. Since the 1960s, the crumbling black family has led to more black men in prison, greater number of high school dropouts, suspensions, etc. Finally, the biggest problem is 70 percent of black children are born to unwed mothers.

It isn't Liberalism or any other mass generalization of a group of people. I will be the first to say piss on Sharpton and Jackson. I met Jesse Jackson and he is literally an idiot in the same way Sarah Palin is. Get either one beyond a talking point and you find out the true nature of there intellect or lack of it. Sharpton and Jackson are both opportunistic vultures ready to exploit any tragedy to push there personal agendas. There are people on both sides of the isle ready to do the same thing and I will refrain from offering example for the sake of not side tracking the thread.

I have a problem with what happened and it has nothing to do with race and so do a lot of other people. There has been a lot of stupid crap said from all sides but the good news is there will be a thorough investigation of the incident and the parents will hopefully get better answers when it is all said and done.
It isn't Liberalism ...
I would love to debate that point (in another thread). I feel the facts would strongly support my position. Liberalism has driven the African American community into the ground and kept it there for decades.

The tools so zealously guarded and defended by Liberals (gonna piss off some people now), such as unbridled and unfettered abortions on a mass scale are disproportionately carried out in the black community. You want to talk about racism? Do a Google search of the FOUNDER of the modern abortion movement- Margaret Sanger- who TO THIS DAY is held up by Liberals as a model Progressive Liberal.
She conspired with eugenics financier and businessman Clarence Gamble to “hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities” to sell their genocidal policies as community health and welfare services.

Outright murder wouldn’t sell. But wrapping it under the egalitarian cloak of “women’s health” — and adorning it with the moral authority of black churches — would. Sanger and Gamble called their deadly campaign “The Negro Project.”

Sanger, the greatest killer of black babies in America is praised by Hillary Clinton:

Libs have sold African Americans a bill of goods and laughed about it all along, as the black community forms up in lock step to support the very policies that have promoted their difficult conditions, rather than finally solved them.
I would love to debate that point (in another thread). I feel the facts would strongly support my position.

Start one. As long as everyone can act like grownups, I think it would be a very good discussion.
A Scott vs. JBS discussion on this topic would likely be very informative, and probably highly entertaining. It would also be nice if Bravo Five Romeo would come back around and chime in every once in a while.