Trayvon Martin Case

Here's a question I haven't heard answered or even brought up yet- It was in a gated apartment complex, did Trayvon live in said complex?

If not, then he was trespassing, not a crime to shoot him for, but definitely something to add to the discussion.
Here's a question I haven't heard answered or even brought up yet- It was in a gated apartment complex, did Trayvon live in said complex?

If not, then he was trespassing, not a crime to shoot him for, but definitely something to add to the discussion.

It was his stepmoms place.
Here's a question I haven't heard answered or even brought up yet- It was in a gated apartment complex, did Trayvon live in said complex?

If not, then he was trespassing, not a crime to shoot him for, but definitely something to add to the discussion.

The whole "gated community" thing is coming up in general now as a contributing factor in the case. Here's an excerpt from the linked article:

Gated communities churn a vicious cycle by attracting like-minded residents who seek shelter from outsiders and whose physical seclusion then worsens paranoid groupthink against outsiders. These bunker communities remind me of those Matryoshka wooden dolls. A similar-object-within-a-similar-object serves as shelter; from community to subdivision to house, each unit relies on staggered forms of security and comfort, including town authorities, zoning practices, private security systems and personal firearms.
Residents’ palpable satisfaction with their communities’ virtue and their evident readiness to trumpet alarm at any given “threat” create a peculiar atmosphere — an unholy alliance of smugness and insecurity. In this us-versus-them mental landscape, them refers to new immigrants, blacks, young people, renters, non-property-owners and people perceived to be poor.
I can see that the gated communities are an enemy to the socialist utopia.

Good find.
Heaven forbid someone want to fucking live where they don't get broken into, vandalized, or have some asshat with a fart can on his car driving around at all hours with thumptastic tunes blaring through his "big system yo" before doing a driveby.

I'm gonna edit this a smidge, because I would like nothing more than to live in my own gated community again. Nothing better than living inside a gated community (Battalion Area) secured by your friends, which is inside a gated community (Army Base).
Neighbors were a deciding factor when I bought my house.

I'm sure if I were a politician and utter the preceding open ended sentence, I would be torn apart as a racist.
I had some kids playing chicken with cars in our neighborhood until they did it to me and I stopped and got out. Later their parents were at my door and they got the same dose about their perfect little innocent booger eaters punking up my street. It hasn't happened since. The popo don't always need to get involved if people will stop being cowards and police themselves and hold one another accountable. One of the parents asked how I knew it was their kid doing it, I told them I could pick his face out of a crowd at Disney over CCTV. I looked at the kid and told him to do it again if he felt the need and I would drag him by the ear to his doorstep next time. His dad came to my door the next evening to thank me and told me about the ass whoopin his boy got, and told me it was ok to call his boy out anytime I saw him involved in anything that would bring disgrace on our subdivision. There are only 110 houses, one way in and out with about 30 Vets. Most of us grew up in this town and will not put up with needless shit from kids whose parents won't do the job.
The kids in my neighborhood knew that if they were playing around/in the road, heard my truck start up then me come running out to get to the side of the road because I was going to work.

Especially after I had to respond to the house down the street blowing up and burning down. Halfway through I had to piss like a racehorse so I just tromped down the street w/ my turnouts, scba etc on and went to piss in my backyard. LOL
Is anybody else watching the CNN special "Beyond Trayvon" with Soledad O' Brien? They have Curtis Sliwa, the founder of the Guardian Angels, on right now. This guy comes off as a real clown. He just said, "I know there were young men of all colors with hoodies on walking through that night. But Zimmerman fixated on that one." So this guy was apparently there as well, along with everyone else in the audience. At the beginning of the show, the host asked the audience how many already had an opinion on what happened. 95% of people raised their hands. :rolleyes: Zimmerman is being ripped for being armed, and one person has said that it is illegal for a Neighborhood Watch Captain to be armed. One other gem that has come out is someone questioning why people need to describe the race of a person when reporting something to the police. Apparently it should stop at male/female and we'll just let the cops play pin the tail on the fucking donkey from there. :mad:
Is anybody else watching the CNN special "Beyond Trayvon" with Soledad O' Brien? They have Curtis Sliwa, the founder of the Guardian Angels, on right now. This guy comes off as a real clown. He just said, "I know there were young men of all colors with hoodies on walking through that night. But Zimmerman fixated on that one." So this guy was apparently there as well, along with everyone else in the audience. At the beginning of the show, the host asked the audience how many already had an opinion on what happened. 95% of people raised their hands. :rolleyes: Zimmerman is being ripped for being armed, and one person has said that it is illegal for a Neighborhood Watch Captain to be armed. One other gem that has come out is someone questioning why people need to describe the race of a person when reporting something to the police. Apparently it should stop at male/female and we'll just let the cops play pin the tail on the fucking donkey from there. :mad:

This is exactly what happens here. Our school is located adjacent to a high-crime area, and we frequently get updates from the campus chief of police when incidents occur. "A graduate student was robbed by a male. Anyone with information about this crime..." No physical description of the suspect.
Newly released audio between Zimmerman and Lindy catches Lindy proclaiming-
Let's sneak up and cornhole that guy!

Boy, it's so fun to play, "democrat media put things in a different context," and easy.
Heaven forbid someone want to fucking live where they don't get broken into, vandalized, or have some asshat with a fart can on his car driving around at all hours with thumptastic tunes blaring through his "big system yo" before doing a driveby.

I'm gonna edit this a smidge, because I would like nothing more than to live in my own gated community again. Nothing better than living inside a gated community (Battalion Area) secured by your friends, which is inside a gated community (Army Base).

On Camp Lejeune, we used to refer to it as "the largest gated community in NC". :D

There are only eight houses on my street. I have zero issues walking up to cars I don't recognize and asking if I can be of any help.
In FL, gated communities tend to be the devil, mostly because of the HOA's that exist. My BIL grew up in one and his dad bought a Harley. After riding it once, he was told he could no longer do that because of the noise of said bike. Eventually the "solution" was that he could only ride his bike during certain hours. Two former co-workers ran into similar situations over noise, a flagpole, and parking. A gated community without an abusive HOA would probably work, but they don't in FL.
not fond of gated communities, I live in Bermuda Run, aka uber whiteville. I moved there because it was convenient for having my dog. A few days ago I was driving the 90 Honda, aka the pupmobile, taking it out to get it inspected. I didn't have a car pass on it. I drive to the gate guard to have him raise the barrier to let me back in. He asked who I was visiting and I said I wasn't. He said 'oh that's right you're the maid" I was not amused.
This is exactly what happens here. Our school is located adjacent to a high-crime area, and we frequently get updates from the campus chief of police when incidents occur. "A graduate student was robbed by a male. Anyone with information about this crime..." No physical description of the suspect.

The absurdity of this is so obvious, and yet people continue to insist this is a good idea. Likely those same people are the ones questioning why the police can't catch the burglary suspect in their neighborhood in a sufficient amount of time. I mean, they know it's a male between 20-35 who was wearing jeans and a dark sweatshirt. What more do those damn po-po need? :rolleyes:
In FL, gated communities tend to be the devil, mostly because of the HOA's that exist. My BIL grew up in one and his dad bought a Harley. After riding it once, he was told he could no longer do that because of the noise of said bike. Eventually the "solution" was that he could only ride his bike during certain hours. Two former co-workers ran into similar situations over noise, a flagpole, and parking. A gated community without an abusive HOA would probably work, but they don't in FL.

I guess my stipulation/caveat is that I'd be running the gated community if I moved back into one.

Because I'd have won the powerball.

And it'd be a 1000+ acre compound w/ subdivision for family. And a barracks for SOF Buddies to come visit at. And a shooting facility. And an airstrip. etc, etc, ad nauseum....
I've made my views on HOAs clear here before so I'll just recap by saying they should fuck off and mind their own.

Or, just to wind things up a bit, you could argue it's worse than big brother in the UK and I thought you guys fought to get rid of oppression and shit. ;)

Body corporates in apartment blocks here are sometimes just about as bad.
The absurdity of this is so obvious, and yet people continue to insist this is a good idea. Likely those same people are the ones questioning why the police can't catch the burglary suspect in their neighborhood in a sufficient amount of time. I mean, they know it's a male between 20-35 who was wearing jeans and a dark sweatshirt. What more do those damn po-po need? :rolleyes:

Here is an example of what I'm talking about, this message is edited to delete the names of schools, streets, and the chief of police.

To the XXXXX Community:
I write to let you know that a robbery occurred this morning around 9:45 at XXXXX. The victim, who is not a member of the XXXXX community, was approached by two teenaged males who robbed him of his wallet and cell phone. No injuries were reported and theXXXXX are investigating.
If you have any information about this incident or should observe any suspicious activity, please call the XXXXX Police at XXXXX or text your anonymous tip to XXXXX, begin the stream with XXXXXtip.
This weekend, XXXXXPolice apprehended several young offenders on or near campus, including one 13-year old male who punched a graduate student at 1:30 this morning near XXXXX. The graduate student summoned help quickly by using a blue phone, resulting in a quick apprehension of the suspect by XXXXX Police.
With spring weather approaching, more people are out and about throughout the city. As a reminder, please be aware of your surroundings at all times, avoid displaying valuables and walking alone after dark, note the location of emergency Blue Phones, and make use of security services, including shuttle services and door-to-door rides after dark, by calling XXXXX The XXXXX Police also provide services and information for victims of crimes, which you may access by calling XXXXX.
XXXXX, Chief of Police

An absolutely useless physical description followed in the very next sentence by "if you have any information."

Hell I saw lots of teenaged males today, I better jump on that tipline! :thumbsdown:

This is an example of ops (the police) doing a cover-my-ass, check-the-block when it comes to reporting on/near-campus crime, putting the rest of us at risk by not putting out accurate descriptions of suspects who might be a threat to our personal safety.

"The law says we have to report it, the law doesn't say we have to report anything meaningful."