Trayvon Martin Case

Bias? Why's the bad guy in white? Racist motherfu....

Snake Eyes is wearing Oakley boots and Storm Shadow has rags wrapped around his feet, obviously some sort of inverted reference to slavery.
I think it's pretty sweet.
I also think the real reason that Snake Eyes doesn't talk is because he sounds just as ridiculous as Storm Shadow, so he just keeps his mouth shut.
Alright, here's the latest crock of shit spewing out of the MSM. The police surveillance video of Zimmerman at the station was obtained by ABC. Here it is:

I have read numerous articles claiming they see no evidence of any marks on the man. Which is kind of shocking because the video is kind of grainy and at a distance. You can see an officer clearly checking out the back of Zimmerman's head. And shortly after there appears to be what looks like a gash in the middle of the back of his head- approximately around the 1:06 mark. This is just my opinion though.

I haven't been to jail- but if Zimmerman was covered in blood, I would imagine they would've cleaned him up a little bit before taking him in?
wtf... the best shots of him are obscured by the "ABC News Exclusive" banner, I can't see shit. At about 1:26 the officer is clearly checking out the back of Zimmerman's head. Why? I don't know. Maybe someone should ask the officer...

I didn't notice any conspicuous injuries, but that doesn't mean they weren't there. And one does not have to incur conspicuous injuries to feel like his life is in danger and respond accordingly.

Zimmerman, 28, is wearing a red and black fleece and his face and head are cleanly shaven. He appears well built, hardly the portly young man depicted in a 2005 mug shot that until a two days ago was the single image the media had of Zimmerman.

Seriously? This, but no comment about the old picture of Martin that makes him look like an innocent 12-year-old? Great unbiased reporting. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I thought it was convenient they stuck their logo there as well. I still think you can see something on the back of his head after they lead him away after he was leaning against the wall. It could be anything though, I suppose.
Eric Bischoff, a long time wrestling promoter/ businessman, wrote an auto-bio a few years ago with a very appropriate title. While it spoke about wrestling, I think it applies to media in general.

Controversy Creates Ca$h

Looking past racism, guns, or justice...that's all this is about.
You have to wonder (maybe I need to get a tin foil hat...) how much of this is "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, here's something entertaining and inconsequential for you to get excited about while the world slowly goes to shit around you" distractions. The whole bread & circuses thing...
I know that the police reports and articles all state that Zimmerman was treated my EMS prior to leaving the seen. That to me says that he was cleaned up before being brought to the station.

I just can't imagine that the police would lie about injuries. As far as I can see, there's no motivation for a "cover up." Why in the hell would an LEO put their career in jeopardy? As far as I'm concerned, they wouldn't...
Another troubling aspect to me is that the shooting was on Feb. 26 and it took about 3 weeks to make the news outside of Sanford. We have this alleged racially motivated shooting of a normal 17 year old with a promising future by a trigger-happy gun-nut, wannabe-cop turned neighborhood watch volunteer, investigated by an incompetent, racist police department.

And it took 3 weeks for anyone to notice outside of Sanford to notice this brutal, over-the-top, cold-blooded "murder" with numerous witnesses? Meanwhile Kony2012 goes viral in 48 hours? And Sanford was so put out by all of this they had how many Whatever Hoodie Marches and candlelight vigils prior to CNN picking up the story? Of all of the homicides in the United States over the last month this is the ONLY one which warrants such scrutiny and press?

I try not to be a conspiracy theorist, but this whole thing smells.
Another troubling aspect to me is that the shooting was on Feb. 26 and it took about 3 weeks to make the news outside of Sanford. We have this alleged racially motivated shooting of a normal 17 year old with a promising future by a trigger-happy gun-nut, wannabe-cop turned neighborhood watch volunteer, investigated by an incompetent, racist police department.

And it took 3 weeks for anyone to notice outside of Sanford to notice this brutal, over-the-top, cold-blooded "murder" with numerous witnesses? Meanwhile Kony2012 goes viral in 48 hours? And Sanford was so put out by all of this they had how many Whatever Hoodie Marches and candlelight vigils prior to CNN picking up the story? Of all of the homicides in the United States over the last month this is the ONLY one which warrants such scrutiny and press?

I try not to be a conspiracy theorist, but this whole thing smells.
That's so true. Kind of like the Iranian "plot" coming out as Holder was being subpoenaed.

ETA: I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to say this: Fuck Eric Holder.
I know that the police reports and articles all state that Zimmerman was treated my EMS prior to leaving the seen. That to me says that he was cleaned up before being brought to the station.

I just can't imagine that the police would lie about injuries. As far as I can see, there's no motivation for a "cover up." Why in the hell would an LEO put their career in jeopardy? As far as I'm concerned, they wouldn't...

Generally, when someone is treated by EMS a chart is generated. This is true whether they accept or refuse transport to the hospital. Hell, sometimes the more detailed charts result from refusals. I'm hoping the medics didn't slough off their responsibilities and that they properly assessed Z, treated him, and then documented the whole affair. It would make excellent evidence.

ETA- Hereabouts, a refusal usually results in a telephonic report to a doc over a taped line during which the medic must provide specifics of the pt's history & physical exam so the doc can determine if a refusal is appropriate. This would also be evidence.
I think the broken nose reports are probably the biggest question mark. If he had a broken nose why didn't he go to the hospital? Like others have said any potential injuries will be documents by EMS and will be worked out in the end. This story will continue to drip drip with new angles until they decide to charge or not charge Zimmerman.

People like controversy whether they admit it or not. I remember back in the Monica Lewinsky days. Our local paper surveyed people and like 70+% said they were sick and tired of the story but every time the paper ran a front page story about the stained dress there circulation went up.
I remember one of the early dustups in this case being, "Why wasn't he arrested?" In the video, he looked pretty "arrested" to me. The fact that he was not charged is different than not being arrested.

From the little we're able to learn from the video, I think it is likely that his nose was "bloodied," not "broken."
Yep; and it's a great way to re-energize a significant portion of his base in advance of the upcoming election.