Trayvon Martin Case

In FL, gated communities tend to be the devil, mostly because of the HOA's that exist. My BIL grew up in one and his dad bought a Harley. After riding it once, he was told he could no longer do that because of the noise of said bike. Eventually the "solution" was that he could only ride his bike during certain hours. Two former co-workers ran into similar situations over noise, a flagpole, and parking. A gated community without an abusive HOA would probably work, but they don't in FL.

The nice thing about gated communities in the US; if you don't like them, don't live there. Some people do like gated communities and they choose to live there.
Apparently Al Sharpton wants to "escalate" matters.

If George Zimmerman is not arrested in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin soon, the Rev. Al Sharpton will call for an escalation in peaceful civil disobedience and economic sanctions.
Sharpton would not say the efforts would be taken against the city of Sanford specifically, but he has been critical of the police department's handling of the case.

Saturday's scheduled 11 a.m. march from Crooms Academy of Information Technology to the Sanford Police Department headquarters was organized by National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Coordinators said people will be bused in from other states to participate.
The civil rights activist and syndicated television show host said he will elaborate on this plan Saturday.
"I will speak about how the National Action Network will move to the next level if Zimmerman isn't arrested," said Sharpton, who founded the Network. He added that it was the Martin family and lawyers who first asked him to get involved and nationalize this story.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson is also expected to participate in the event.
The case has ignited ire and debate across the nation, galvanizing thousands of Trayvon supporters to the streets and social media, donning hoodies and toting Skittles.
Sanford police this week released a video of a handcuffed George Zimmerman apparently showing no visible signs of physical injury after he claimed that he shot the 17-year-old Miami teenager in self-defense.
Zimmerman's family have come to his defense on national news networks, releasing details about his version of what happened the night of Feb. 26 when police found the teen face down in wet grass.
Sharpton said the recent revelations only underscores the need for an immediate arrest and trial.
"Whether he [Zimmerman] had a swollen or broken nose, neither one means he had to take a 9mm and kill someone," he said. "It's not about saying Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, this is about whether there was probable cause to arrest him."
He criticized the way authorities have released information about the case and said they are setting a harmful precedent, he said.
Sanford city officials announced several road closures in anticipation of the march including 13th street, from U.S. Highway 17-92 to Lake Avenue; as well as, Persimmon Street from McCracken Road to 13th.
The demonstration is expected to end at 2 p.m., organizers said.

Also, here's a video of Piers Morgan getting into it with an MSNBC contributor over this case. I think this is the first time I have sided with Piers.{F85B2E66-5AD0-4ECA-B114-FACBEAEF4917}&title=Toure-To-Piers-Morgan-You-Dont-Understand-Black-Humor-America-Or-Seriousness-Of-Zimmerman-Case
Zimmerman's head wounds revealed in forensically enhanced video (ABC News):

Trivial details ...
NBC News Modified Their Audio Taped 911 Call To Make Zimmerman Sound "Racist"

Investigation on spliced and doctored audio

The editorial decision under review involves the removal of the dispatcher's inquiry about the race of the person Zimmerman was following — Martin. Absent that question, Zimmerman's comments get strung together as if he said, in sequence, "This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black."
The Washington Post provides the full transcript of that part of the call:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.​
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?​
Zimmerman: He looks black.​
Ok, here's a question:

With everyone focused on this crap which is like 1 degree of the perimeter.... who's looking at the rest of things, and what's going on?

Obviously we have the strip search bit, but what else is going on in the middle of this sensationalism which is capturing the headlines?

Spidey sense says with THIS MUCH STINK about a local case, there's gotta be a flanking movement going on for some crazy shit.
Well, there's the total denigration of the function of the SCOTUS by POTUS.
I saw that. You don't say something like that period if you're a good, decent American who doesn't suck from the Saul Alinsky nipple.

Didn't Mr. Obama teach constitutional law? He should, then, have been familiar with checks & balances. Threatening the Supreme Court and saying that you're not worried your trademark law won't get struck down tells me that he is indeed very worried. And he should be. This reminds me of FDR throwing a hissy fit and threatening to stack the deck in SCOTUS unless his New Deal was passed.

Sorry for the rant. POTUS drives me mad.
I do find it interesting though how the courts will rule in this case. The entire facts of the case are not known, but from what little we do know I wonder how the "Stand your ground" law will work out. Personally I am glad the law was passed. It's important people be able to defend themselves and their loved ones.

My meaning.... One version of events states that man followed kid (forget that the dispatcher told him he shouldn't because she has no authority). Now if that version was the case, and he followed the kid, and the kid turned around and confronted him (forget the specifics at this state). What's important is a fight ensued... I'm wondering if by him creating his own exigent circumstances, which required him to use deadly force, Is this a proper use of the stand your ground law? It's a question that has been bugging me. Now the above scenario is only one possible scenario of what could have happened. I'm more curious how the courts will interpret the law and if it will stand up to the light of day.
On Camp Lejeune, we used to refer to it as "the largest gated community in NC". :D

There are only eight houses on my street. I have zero issues walking up to cars I don't recognize and asking if I can be of any help.

Your neighbors asked who we were when we walked on the street and they didn't know us.... then wondered if we were right in the head when we said we were visiting you... and I know that at least 3 of the neighbors we met were armed, they printed very nicely...
I'm kind of concerned by this whole situation, though I haven't payed much attention to it, in fact I avoid it in conversation. Why is it that I feel like if I were to bring up that I never considered Zimmerman to necessarily be the "bad guy" in this situation, everyone would look at me like I'm an ass?
After seeing the interview with his brother on that Piers Morgan show (where I learned that I do not respect Morgan very much at all) I honestly believe that both Martin and Zimmerman believed that they were defending themselves, and both made poor decisions that led up to the confrontation in the first place.
Though Martin's fate is unfortunate, I do hope that the stand your ground law holds up in court.
I never thought zimmerman was the bad guy in the first place when the first report came out, but I also know that I don't have all the facts that are admissable to the grand jury for the indictment.
Zimmerman has been excoriated in the media, tried and convicted in the court of public opinion and is literally in hiding for his life.

Just to recap the handling of this so far:
  • CBS News blatantly and unabashedly doctored the audio tape to make Zimmerman appear racist
  • To date, little or nothing has been said about the fact that Zimmerman is hispanic
  • To date, little mention that Zimmerman volunteered his weekends to mentor and tutor "At Risk" inner city youth, most of which were black
  • No mention of Zimmerman attending a 16 week basic community and law enforcement course
  • No mention of the numerous crimes Zimmerman helped in preventing
  • Photographs of an 11-year-old Trayvon Martin were run across the media as representative of the victim, despite the fact that Martin was actually 17 years old, a footballer and 6'3".
  • Photographs of Zimmerman show him in some kind of orange clothing, resembling a county inmate jumpsuit;
  • Few or no pictures of Zimmerman appear in the mainstream media showing him wearing a tie or appearing respectable
  • Most of the photographs of Zimmerman appear to be zoomed in, especially when posted immediately next to those of the boyish Martin, to enhance the appearance of size disparity
The following are actual "side-by-side" shots that were posted by American mainstream media sources. In a few of the photographs displayed in newspapers and on television across the US, Martin is less than 12 years old.




Yet you never see this picture:
I've lamented the decline in manufacturing in the US, but there's one area where we "Lead the Way" and that is in manufacturing a crisis. Sorry, America, but if you live outside of Seminole County, FL you shouldn't even know this case exists.

When the Sandusky scandal broke a lot of us, myself included, were eager to burn him at the stake. While I still think we're right about that he deserves his day in court. What I found troubling about the whole deal was that a week or two later the prosecution's star witness was found to have more or less perjured himself...and we heard almost nothing about it.

For a system predicated on the rule of law and a jury of our peers we've increasingly become a system of mob rule driven by the media and who/whatever is pulling their strings. Looking at a couple of surveys over the last few years, anywhere from 55 to 73% of Americans don't trust the media or believe the stories are inaccurate.

So over half of our country believes the media to be incorrect and yet we STILL buy into what is being reported and allow ourselves to foam at the mouth over stories like this.

We're idiots.
I particularly enjoy studying the systems of control and manipulation used by entities- be it the mainstream media, governmental mouthpieces, insurgent groups- to observe how they can influence public opinion to advance a cause. In some cases I feel we can also observe where mass manipulation occurs not necessarily to advance a cause, but occasionally to cause political friction for another cause. Many times it can be subtle details, such as a word being put in quotation marks, the omission of parts of a story, or use of imagery directly before or after the target of a story, to "spike" the impressions given to the viewer.

Once we can clearly see the tools of manipulation, we can avoid being swayed in a direction we don't necessarily want to go- with our dollars or our passive support.

It's almost like going to a 20-hour car salesman's training course, and then walking on the local car lot and becoming immune to influence.
All these pictures of Trayvon riding horses and snowboarding probably came from his time at 'troubled youth camp.'
Which law? Obama-Care? or Stand your ground?

I believe PoliceMedic was referring to the President's comments on the SCOTUS overturning Obama-Care and that what I was directing my comments towards. I'm hoping that the whole Obama-Care legislation gets thrown out but that kind of side tracks the thread.