M ManBearPig Guest May 16, 2012 #1 Interesting article... http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/wor...merican-clandestine-war-yemen-us-troops-.html
Interesting article... http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/wor...merican-clandestine-war-yemen-us-troops-.html
tmroun01 Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum Verified Military Joined Dec 8, 2008 Messages 80 Location Bluegrass State May 17, 2012 #2 Is it really clandestine if their is an article about it in the LA Times?
AWP SOF Support Joined Sep 8, 2006 Messages 20,839 Location Florida May 17, 2012 #3 Shit's double top secret, yo. --- Troops and airframes like F-15E's laying waste to Yemen isn't new. This is more like Bombing Yemen 3.0.
Shit's double top secret, yo. --- Troops and airframes like F-15E's laying waste to Yemen isn't new. This is more like Bombing Yemen 3.0.
policemedic Verified SWAT Joined Jul 29, 2008 Messages 6,263 Location A galaxy far, far away May 17, 2012 #4 It's not like there isn't precedent for double top secret.
pardus Verified Military Joined Sep 7, 2006 Messages 10,534 May 17, 2012 #5 As long as they don't send in regular troops and fuck it up like they did in A'stan.
Mad boomer Civil Affairs Verified SOF Joined Jan 23, 2012 Messages 488 Location Scuba diving or fishing SSMP LEO Mentor May 17, 2012 #6 Shhhhhhhhh, its a secret! You have now been sworn to silence.
QC 1 CDO Verified SOF Joined Jan 15, 2008 Messages 1,784 Location ADEGVSWGV May 17, 2012 #7 Maybe a bit of amateur sleuthing brought this out in the open a bit more. http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-05/16/us-shadow-war-in-horn-of-africa-revealed-by-blogger
Maybe a bit of amateur sleuthing brought this out in the open a bit more. http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-05/16/us-shadow-war-in-horn-of-africa-revealed-by-blogger