Unidentified:Inside America's UFO Investigation


Verified Military
Jul 22, 2009
Central OH
I was wondering if this has been posted about anywhere else. I did several searches for UFOs and associated stories surrounding the 2014 and 2015 incidents but it kept coming up as being too common of a term.

During Navy exercises along the Atlantic coast in 2014, pilots wintessed UFOs on their upgraded radar, but could not visualize them. Several pilots and radar technicians apparently saw a fleet of these things, which at the time they thought were drones of some kind.

I've always been skeptical of UFO stories, and thought it was make believe. Now, I'm not so sure...

Inside America's UFO Investigation on History Channel starting tommorow.
On a serious note, to think we are alone is crazy. Do I think we have been visited? No. And I only say that because if we were, why wouldn't they be here and be our rulers? They would be clearly superior in terms of technology.
Maybe in the grand scheme of things. We aren't as significant as we think we are as a species. When you you take the expanse of the universe into consideration.
So, "They" put us on the not to be bothered with list. Alien ant farm comes to mind.
Not really relevant in UFO discussions, but something I don't see brought up often (granted, I'm not in any communities that discuss the idea of alien life all that often) is that perhaps we're early on the galactic timeline so to speak.

Back to the idea of a civilization far more advanced than we are, though, while I do agree with BloodStripe in thinking that we probably haven't been visited (at least not anytime recently), Tinman has a point and they could just be ignoring us or even observing us.

Or perhaps they just saw Independence Day and decided we weren't worth the hassle.
On a serious note, to think we are alone is crazy. Do I think we have been visited? No. And I only say that because if we were, why wouldn't they be here and be our rulers? They would be clearly superior in terms of technology.

Perhaps they already are. O_o

There's serious speculation about the existence of a multi-dimensional universe (or multiverse), touched upon in the movie Interstellar. This stems from the fact that any mathematics that tries to theoretically (AKA a Theory of Everything) unite the actions of Relativity (the visible, observable universe) with Quantum Mechanics (the invisible subatomic realm) doesn't work unless you factor in about a dozen dimensions.

If this turns out to be the case--that there are a dozen or so dimensions contained in our universe--then these dimensions would exist alongside the three dimensional world that we experience, within it, through it, around it and we'd never be aware of them. So...in other words...you could be sitting at your breakfast table right next to

There's serious speculation about the existence of a multi-dimensional universe (or multiverse), touched upon in the movie Interstellar. This stems from the fact that any mathematics that tries to theoretically (AKA a Theory of Everything) unite the actions of Relativity (the visible, observable universe) with Quantum Mechanics (the invisible subatomic realm) doesn't work unless you factor in about a dozen dimensions.

If this turns out to be the case--that there are a dozen or so dimensions contained in our universe--then these dimensions would exist alongside the three dimensional world that we experience, within it, through it, around it and we'd never be aware of them. So...in other words...you could be sitting at your breakfast table right next to

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If this is true, they need to find a way. To make them cover the tip when I take the wife to the symphony and dinner!;-)
There's serious speculation about the existence of a multi-dimensional universe (or multiverse), touched upon in the movie Interstellar. This stems from the fact that any mathematics that tries to theoretically (AKA a Theory of Everything) unite the actions of Relativity (the visible, observable universe) with Quantum Mechanics (the invisible subatomic realm) doesn't work unless you factor in about a dozen dimensions.

If this turns out to be the case--that there are a dozen or so dimensions contained in our universe--then these dimensions would exist alongside the three dimensional world that we experience, within it, through it, around it and we'd never be aware of them. So...in other words...you could be sitting at your breakfast table right next to


I find it interesting that there are known dimensions (outside the three spacial dimensions) that are rarely acknowledged.
4. Time and
5. Spin
OK, that last one is mine. But so far it still makes sense and can explain half spin quite nicely without the need for 13 others.