United States & Gun Control discussion.

Thanks guys. I didn't know the difference and I thought the only thing remotely mechanical they could use are things like hammers and saws.
we learned that a State is defined by clearly marked boundaries and territorial sovereignty and is often used synonymously with Country. As well in the historical context, State is often used by recorded political philosophers throughout history in the same context as the word Country. This is buttressed by the famous quotation of by King Louis XVI-"L'etat cest moi"=I am the State. Thus, it can be reasonably inferred that the Framers of the Constitution used the word State synonymously with the word Country.

In the Constitution, state and country (or union of the several states) are in no way synonymous, or interchangeable - the States are the building blocks of the Federal system, aligned severally (as autonomous units within the whole) and are self contained with the rights granted them, the federal government is to allow for protection of the whole, by regulating international and interstate trade, the defense of the whole, and the laws that are not specifically deigned as state's domain.

In a broad sense internationally, the Union of the Severally United States is deemed an international "State"... but that would be akin to calling the Russian Confederation a State... each of the autonomous republics is in itself a State in the sense of the United States concept, albeit the federalization is much more stringent and tyrannical than currently seen in the United States. But, the internal Nationalism (due to the Imperial takeover) of the formerly autonomous countries/states is even greater than the Statehood claims of the Republic of Texas constiuents...

Call a Georgian a Russian, see what happens, or an Albanian, or an Estonian...

the generalizations of your international Relations class need to be tempered with reality, not just rote definition. Remember, the use of the word "State" meaning country did get bastardized during the great Socialist upheaval from 1885- 1993... thanks to Marx/Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnyev, and to some extent Trotsky through his novels and editorials.
In the Constitution, state and country (or union of the several states) are in no way synonymous, or interchangeable - the States are the building blocks of the Federal system, aligned severally (as autonomous units within the whole) and are self contained with the rights granted them, the federal government is to allow for protection of the whole, by regulating international and interstate trade, the defense of the whole, and the laws that are not specifically deigned as state's domain.

In a broad sense internationally, the Union of the Severally United States is deemed an international "State"... but that would be akin to calling the Russian Confederation a State... each of the autonomous republics is in itself a State in the sense of the United States concept, albeit the federalization is much more stringent and tyrannical than currently seen in the United States. But, the internal Nationalism (due to the Imperial takeover) of the formerly autonomous countries/states is even greater than the Statehood claims of the Republic of Texas constiuents...

Call a Georgian a Russian, see what happens, or an Albanian, or an Estonian...

the generalizations of your international Relations class need to be tempered with reality, not just rote definition. Remember, the use of the word "State" meaning country did get bastardized during the great Socialist upheaval from 1885- 1993... thanks to Marx/Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnyev, and to some extent Trotsky through his novels and editorials.

Excellent post, except for that "even greater than the Republic of Texas" crap...Nothing is greater than Texas! And I don't care how much frozen tundra those Alaskans claim... lol

The eyes of Texas are upon....ahh fuck you Patriot Act.
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I've said I don't know more than once, and have stayed out of threads (cough cough... gaming) where my knowledge is lacking... hurtful, just hurtful ... bad bad AWP.

You stay out of the gaming thread because you've got problems with identifying your hardware for proper drivers.

Picture related.....



Anyone who's actually been to Alaska knows in all truth Alaska wins that entire argument.
Hell, even Alaskan Liberals own AR-10's, CC/OC, and eat Moose, Salmon and Caribou they harvested.
In the Constitution, state and country (or union of the several states) are in no way synonymous, or interchangeable

I understand, in the terms of the majority of the Constitution, this is very clear. However, I would argue that the wording is interesting in the 2A.

I interpret the meaning of "A well regulated militia necessary to well being of A free State" to be. "We the founder's, not desiring a standing army, understand the need for armed forces in order for a State(Country) to remain so we provide the people with arms so that they may become a militia." State being used to describe the whole and not the parts of the whole as reference by the article "a".

I agree with the rest of the argument about my flawed use of the definition of a State.
I understand, in the terms of the majority of the Constitution, this is very clear. However, I would argue that the wording is interesting in the 2A.

I interpret the meaning of "A well regulated militia necessary to well being of A free State" to be. "We the founder's, not desiring a standing army, understand the need for armed forces in order for a State(Country) to remain so we provide the people with arms so that they may become a militia." State being used to describe the whole and not the parts of the whole as reference by the article "a".

I agree with the rest of the argument about my flawed use of the definition of a State.

Remember that internecine squabbles at the early days of this experiment in a Democratic Republic/Republican Democracy, were not uncommon... the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations was virtually at war with both MA and CT to maintain it's sovereignty up until the signing of the Constitution.

A free state... meant exactly that, keeping each state free from incursion by another of the several states or a foreign government... the French and British had laid claim to areas bordering and including areas claimed by the upstart Nation that was a collection of colonies governed by the greatest power of the time.
Actor's wheels boosted / Sean Penn's muscle car, guns stolen from busy Berkeley street

A little blast (more like a pop) from the past. I remember finding this amusing at the time (2003). Bolded parts by me.

[...] Actor Sean Penn, who has played a tough guy, a cop and a killer, became a crime victim when his car was stolen as he lunched in downtown Berkeley, police said. [...]
Also taken were two of Penn's guns -- a loaded 9mm Glock handgun stashed inside the car and an unloaded .38-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver in the trunk.

Penn, 42, who beat up two paparazzi who trailed him and then-fiancee Madonna in 1985, has a valid California concealed weapons permit.
Regarding active shooters, if guns are the problem and should be kept out of the hands of John Q, why do police WITHOUT EXCEPTION use guns to stop the active shooter?
Wouldn't logic dictate that active shooters are neutralized by guns: period. Hell, this seems like this theory would actually be considered a law.
To piggyback a post of mine for this thread's topic:
California Shooting.

It speaks volumes that the Left rushed to judgment and more importantly to pimp their agenda. Forget the facts, forget allowing the police time to do their jobs, let's dive into the pool and hope it is deep.

The problem though is John and Jane Middleoftheroad will eventually side with gun control legislation. They are slowly being worn down by the bombardment of "guns are evil, more gun control is the solution" mantra. It is only a matter of time before changes are jammed down our throats.
Regarding active shooters, if guns are the problem and should be kept out of the hands of John Q, why do police WITHOUT EXCEPTION use guns to stop the active shooter?
Wouldn't logic dictate that active shooters are neutralized by guns: period. Hell, this seems like this theory would actually be considered a law.
Training is the difference.
Police using guns to stop active shooters is possible based on the training they receive.

John Q. who just got a sweet deal on a .50 cal Desert Eagle on gunbroker.com, and has yet to take it to the range, is another story. Obviously, there are plenty of us on this site and others like it who would be an exception to this statement, but we'd be the vast minority.
Training is the difference.
Police using guns to stop active shooters is possible based on the training they receive.

John Q. who just got a sweet deal on a .50 cal Desert Eagle on gunbroker.com, and has yet to take it to the range, is another story. Obviously, there are plenty of us on this site and others like it who would be an exception to this statement, but we'd be the vast minority.

Dude, watch the video of the cops' weapon handling from yesterday. The only group that displayed ANY muzzle discipline were SWAT officers.

Are police first RESPONDERS or first PREVENTERS?
Regarding active shooters, if guns are the problem and should be kept out of the hands of John Q, why do police WITHOUT EXCEPTION use guns to stop the active shooter?
Wouldn't logic dictate that active shooters are neutralized by guns: period. Hell, this seems like this theory would actually be considered a law.

We're trusted to possess and use guns because of our elite training and other superhuman abilities. The unwashed rabble and peasants aren't capable of safely owning guns. Only the police should have guns; we'll come and save you.

Training is the difference.
Police using guns to stop active shooters is possible based on the training they receive.

John Q. who just got a sweet deal on a .50 cal Desert Eagle on gunbroker.com, and has yet to take it to the range, is another story. Obviously, there are plenty of us on this site and others like it who would be an exception to this statement, but we'd be the vast minority.

I know what you're trying to say, but it just isn't so.
I know what you're trying to say, but it just isn't so.
I get that and my comment was in no way intended to be a blanket statement which is why I said that there were exceptions. It extends to the Military as well. Watching the guys/gals on the ship go through their 9mm qualification courses does NOT induce a sense of confidence. I'm sure the same can be said for other branches, LEO, etc... It comes down to the individual.