United States & Gun Control discussion.

It is just such backward thinking. They miss the point totally just to beat a drum. Anything that will resonate in the news will come across her teleprompter. In many ways, it just seems that the media is typing on her teleprompter. They are both in perfect lockstep.

Now, I am no Mr. Spock. But I DO try to argue logically. They don't even try to do that. And people still swallow the BS. THAT'S what gets me.
Now, I am no Mr. Spock. But I DO try to argue logically. They don't even try to do that. And people still swallow the BS. THAT'S what gets me.

Using and manipulating the media to make your presence and positions known is somehow a surprising thing for high level U.S. politicians to do in an election year?

Surely you jest.
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She's delusional. You can't end terrorism WITH gun control. The Oklahoma City Federal Building. 9/11. The Boston Marathon. The recent NY pressure cooker bombs. The knife attack at the mall. She's just using terrorism as an excuse to push her agenda, which is to disarm law-abiding Americans.
By disarming law-abiding American citizen, do you literally mean knocking on doors and getting people to hand over their guns? Or some other way of accomplishing the collection of over 350 million guns that I am not aware of? Because ATF has said that they aren't up for the job for two big reasons. First, they still use papers thanks to NRA and don't have a reliable database to figure out where the guns are and who owns them, they are so far behind processing those papers that there are ship containers in the parking lot that they use to store those papers. Second, if they even knew who were all these gun owners and their addresses(which might have changed), they only have about 2,600 agents, so it would take some time for them to make it up to rural NH to get my guns. I am not losing any sleep over any bullshit gun control scare tactics that NRA or any gun manufacturers use to drive up their profits. My ex-father-in-law was the top lawyer for Gaston Glock, their lobbyists will whore-out their mothers if it would help their agenda and the sells. But Glock makes great pistols so I still conceal carry a G19, bought with their employee discount!
By disarming law-abiding American citizen, do you literally mean knocking on doors and getting people to hand over their guns? Or some other way of accomplishing the collection of over 350 million guns that I am not aware of?

You know she is smart enough to know better. You also know she is smart enough to pursue "gun control" by other means....excessive tax on ammunition, bans on certain types of firearms, etc.

NO politician would agree to an outright gun grab, but there are ways to make it so painful to be a gun owner that they can effectively make change.
You know she is smart enough to know better. You also know she is smart enough to pursue "gun control" by other means....excessive tax on ammunition, bans on certain types of firearms, etc.

NO politician would agree to an outright gun grab, but there are ways to make it so painful to be a gun owner that they can effectively make change.
Excessive tax on cigarettes hasn't stopped smoking, just paid for more research to show the harmful side effects and that has (I don't think we need much research on the effects of a .45 on human tissue). The bans, I understand, and some may or may not help control the high number of gun related homicides. The Clinton ban did work but the gun market is very different not than 20 years ago, so are the people. I think gun control has been blown out of proportion (on both sides) and that has given ridiculous power to NRA and gun manufacturers. I have enough guns and ammo to last me a few more administrations if not the rest of my life (as a civilian, unless the zombies or Canada, i.e. frozen zombies, attack). I think she is smart enough to talk about gun control, maybe even entertain some legislature but too smart to do anything. She knows full-well that unless we do what Australia did (and I don't think we should or could per my ATF comment above), whatever becomes law won't work and will just become more ammunition (excuse the pun) for For-Gun lobbyists.
The Clinton ban didn't work and that is the primary reason it was allowed to sunset. Australia is beginning to see the negative effects of their ban as well. I wouldn't say the Aussie ban was a good move.
I wouldn't really call it a ban, just an extreme restriction. Reason being, you can still get an AR it's just you need the appropriate licencing with an 'appropriate reason'. Also you cannot use it for self defense in pretty much any circumstance without being thrown in jail for murder, manslaughter, or illegal possession of a deadly weapon.
How Australia is beginning to see negative effects. Increase in crime, mass shootings, terrorism, tyranny?
Australian Institute of Criminology - Robbery statistics
There was an increase in robberies after the ban, but it seems to have simmered down.
Australian Institute of Criminology - Victims of violent crime statistics
Also a pretty big increase in kidnappings, right after the NFA was introduced.
Australian Institute of Criminology - Homicide weapon statistics
And you're more likely to get stabbed to death now than you were before, but I guess that just comes down to personal preference on how you would rather be murdered... :dead::dead::dead:

Also losing your right to self preservation for no more safety than you had before... :wall::wall::wall:
I wouldn't really call it a ban, just an extreme restriction. Reason being, you can still get an AR it's just you need the appropriate licencing with an 'appropriate reason'. Also you cannot use it for self defense in pretty much any circumstance without being thrown in jail for murder, manslaughter, or illegal possession of a deadly weapon.

I don't think you understand the content (or the ultimate purpose) of the Clinton assault weapons ban.

That said, the references were interesting.
How Australia is beginning to see negative effects. Increase in crime, mass shootings, terrorism, tyranny?

Victims of violent crime (n per year)

These numbers go to 2013; the buyback occurred in 1996. Look at the climb in robberies (especially unarmed robberies), sexual assaults, and even kidnappings post-ban.

There is a definite increase in crime against persons following the buyback.

More later.
By disarming law-abiding American citizen, do you literally mean knocking on doors and getting people to hand over their guns? Or some other way of accomplishing the collection of over 350 million guns that I am not aware of? Because ATF has said that they aren't up for the job for two big reasons. First, they still use papers thanks to NRA and don't have a reliable database to figure out where the guns are and who owns them, they are so far behind processing those papers that there are ship containers in the parking lot that they use to store those papers. Second, if they even knew who were all these gun owners and their addresses(which might have changed), they only have about 2,600 agents, so it would take some time for them to make it up to rural NH to get my guns. I am not losing any sleep over any bullshit gun control scare tactics that NRA or any gun manufacturers use to drive up their profits. My ex-father-in-law was the top lawyer for Gaston Glock, their lobbyists will whore-out their mothers if it would help their agenda and the sells. But Glock makes great pistols so I still conceal carry a G19, bought with their employee discount!

Whoa Seabiscuit!

Allow me to clarify: I believe most anti-gun politicians would like to see, in their perfect dream utopia, either the outlawing of all personally-owned firearms, or at the least, restrictive gun laws--akin to the UK's--enacted in this country. Eventually. I don't think gun owners will let them get that far, but who knows? And to me, gun laws as restrictive as the UK's are tantamount to the disarming of law-abiding citizens.

As far as actual physical confiscation, it'll never happen. It would set off the kind of violence we haven't seen in this country since 1865.
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