United States & Gun Control discussion.

Can you blame the left? It's a great ploy, a page out of the GOP playbook: we all know Planned Parenthood does lots of things other than abortions, but the GOP has made them out to be an abortion factory, an assembly line of butchery. The left has demonized the NRA, ignoring all the education and otherwise 'good' it does, and defining it as the organization that places automatic assault weapons into the hands of children.

It is indeed a dangerous time for 2A, the NRA, and gun owners. Too bad I don't have ARs any more. At my advanced age, I have foolishly lost the ones I had; some hit the bottom of the ocean when my Carolina Skiff capsized.
It makes one wonder if throwing the left their ever targeted assult rifle bone, and being done with it.

The other side of the coin is that it could be the worse mistake the NRA ever made. The assult rifle “victory” could simply be the green light the left needs to go after any and all semi automatic weapons.

This was my EXACT train-of-thought on the drive home from the pool yesterday evening. I've made it clear that I'm all for a collaborative, bipartisan effort because I genuinely believe there's a problem , but I'm erring on the side of "it's way too slippery a slope" for anyone to make blanket concessions.
This was my EXACT train-of-thought on the drive home from the pool yesterday evening. I've made it clear that I'm all for a collaborative, bipartisan effort because I genuinely believe there's a problem , but I'm erring on the side of "it's way too slippery a slope" for anyone to make blanket concessions.
I am not sure about anything, but I don't like it that 18 yo kids, still mentally undeveloped, can buy an AR 15 or AK 47 just because they are the cool guns from TV and video games. IMO, it's not the weapon, it's just the one they choose to use.
ETA: I guess what I am trying to convey is that a step I would be ok with is raising the age for all gun purchases to 21. The NRA is not ok with it only because they will lose sales.
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I am not sure about anything, but I don't like it that 18 yo kids, still mentally undeveloped, can buy an AR 15 or AK 47 just because they are the cool guns from TV and video games. IMO, it's not the weapon, it's just the one they choose to use.
ETA: I guess what I am trying to convey is that a step I would be ok with is raising the age for all gun purchases to 21. The NRA is not ok with it only because they will lose sales.

Then raise the age you can enlist to 21. We have some odd age standards in this country.

18 to enlist however you can't drink :)
18 to drive
21 to drink
21 to smoke
21 to get into bars
17? To get a learners permit
16? To start in the workforce.
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Age has nothing to do with it. How old was the Vegas shooter? The Sandy Hook shooter was under 21, but used weapons his mother had purchased. The Aurora shooter was 24? 25? The Texas church shooter was 26. I don't see anything wrong with an 18 year old age limit for gun purchases. That is the accepted standard for "You're an adult now, and you own your decisions." A knee jerk reaction isn't going to help anything here. Talk about improving background checks, talk about improving the reporting system so the right people get barred in the system, talk about better school security, better mental health care, following up on reports of someone who is making threats of violence, etc. Stop with the rest of the bullshit. It's meaningless.

Those last couple sentences are not directed at members here talking about other issues. I'm just making a generalized statement of my own personal opinion.
Age has nothing to do with it. How old was the Vegas shooter? The Sandy Hook shooter was under 21, but used weapons his mother had purchased. The Aurora shooter was 24? 25? The Texas church shooter was 26. I don't see anything wrong with an 18 year old age limit for gun purchases. That is the accepted standard for "You're an adult now, and you own your decisions." A knee jerk reaction isn't going to help anything here. Talk about improving background checks, talk about improving the reporting system so the right people get barred in the system, talk about better school security, better mental health care, following up on reports of someone who is making threats of violence, etc. Stop with the rest of the bullshit. It's meaningless.

Those last couple sentences are not directed at members here talking about other issues. I'm just making a generalized statement of my own personal opinion.
Pretty much sums it up. Beating the dead horse isn’t productive.

That fills the WTF? meter for me today, I dont understand was it supposed to be suicide? Because it didn't appear that way in the article, more questions than answers right now.

I'm fine with teachers being armed but they should have a firearm safety course or a self defence class as an introductory to guns if they've never owned one and honestly I don't think it would hurt to take one even if they are familiar with them.
That fills the WTF? meter for me today, I dont understand was it supposed to be suicide? Because it didn't appear that way in the article, more questions than answers right now.

I'm fine with teachers being armed but they should have a firearm safety course or a self defence class as an introductory to guns if they've never owned one and honestly I don't think it would hurt to take one even if they are familiar with them.

Some folks on the radio were outlining a proposed "School Marshall Program." If I remember correctly, faculty and staff already in possession of a concealed firearm license are able to attend something like 130 additional hours of training after which they may conceal carry on campus. It sounds like an appropriate first step. Similar to the Air Force's Squadron Marshall Program that was shot down shortly after its proposal, at least by our installation commander. I'm not bitter.

I'm with you, Saint. The story makes no sense. We'll have to wait for more details to be released.
I have less indigestion about raising the age, but just make it consistent. 25 to get a hotel room in some hotels, 25 to rent a car....
Rented more than my share of nice hotel rooms at places when I was under 25. Car rental age today seems to be 23...they'll rend to 21 year olds but the extra fee is uh...rough.
Rented more than my share of nice hotel rooms at places when I was under 25. Car rental age today seems to be 23...they'll rend to 21 year olds but the extra fee is uh...rough.

One thing I've noticed is that in regards to Hotels, it depends on the location more than anything as well as if it's a "party town" during say spring break. I was never able to get a room until I was 18 even in seedier types of places.

The car rental prices are indeed rough to put it lightly, paying essentially double what the car rental would be by itself for the "young renters penalty" blows seven kinds of assholes.
Agree with all prior comments about age not being the issue. Everyone pushing for this needs to slow their roll a bit and think a lot more. This is why legislation is supposed to move slowly; to remove/reduce emotion from decisions.
@Florida173 I'm interested in your reason for the dislike. Its certainly cool to disagree, but I'd like to at least hear your view.

Flying through CDG and connection crapped out on me on the tarmac.

I had written something about how having not served shouldn't be a disqualifier. Responsible gun ownership isn't based off arbitrary age either. Give some incentive path to buying through education maybe.
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If you serve, you receive gun education in basic training and beyond. One reason a clause makes sense. I am not advocating an age increase but it's about to happen and i can except it. But if you can carry an AR in defense of the country at 18, you should be able to buy one.