United States & Gun Control discussion.

Any govt worker and police officer involved in this case should be fucking ashamed to call themselves Americans.
That is absolutely outrageous!
How could a cop participate in something like this and claim to be doing good? That is behavior that Hitler and Stalin would be proud of.

an empty plastic shells is illegal in D.C. for anyone who is not a registered gun owner. The same goes for spent casings.

^ Are you fucking kidding me? I know a certain someone who has broken that law several times if that's the case.

Bunch of cunts!
^^^that is crazy.

Any govt worker and police officer involved in this case should be fucking ashamed to call themselves Americans.
That is absolutely outrageous!
How could a cop participate in something like this and claim to be doing good? That is behavior that Hitler and Stalin would be proud of.

^ Are you fucking kidding me? I know a certain someone who has broken that law several times if that's the case.

Bunch of cunts!

This is patently ridiculous.

This is patently ridiculous.
He was raided by 30 LEOs over it.

This is what society would look like when the far Left Liberal agenda gets turned loose. I just read a story about how a kid was suspended for wearing an NRA t-shirt. I just shake my head in disbelief; doesn't seem like something that could ever happen in the United States.



GRAND ISLAND, NY – The parents of a Grand Island High School sophomore confirm their son was recently made to serve a one day in-school suspension, resulting from his refusal to change clothes after a determination the shirt he was wearing violated the school's dress code.
Well the kid violated the rules that the school had set forth. Just because it was a gun is no reason to get up in arms. If it was something else that violated the dress code the same punishment would have been enforced.

According to the video interview with the father the kid had worn it many times before. Why was it an issue now?
Don't even LOOK like you might have a gun on your own property in Maine.

NORRIDGEWOCK — Michael Smith went outside shirtless after being awakened Tuesday morning, yelling at a tree removal company to get off his property.

The workers thought they saw a gun in his waistband and called police.

Smith, who’d gone back to bed, was awakened again minutes later — this time by Maine State Police at his front door, backed up by a group of troopers with assault rifles in his driveway. They were asking him via a megaphone to come out of his house.

Smith did have a gun. It was tattooed on his stomach.
That is an insanely stupid tattoo idea

Dumb as fuck idea, just as ignorant as the jackasses who called 5-0. But I'm willing to bet this is some bonzo free advertising for the ink slinger.

"See that? *points to news article* I did that tattoo. So realistic, the cops were called! Who's ready for a tattoo?"
Who then decides what the training consists of? Standards for training? Physical requirements? Political affiliation?

Where does it stop?

I disagree with adding limitations to any rights, ANY!

Those standards are already put in place by the states.