US Infrastructure

^Haven't been to Bragg since 06. There were supposed to be massive projects all over the country though and I don't remember anything substantial happening back then.

I do remember driving back to my hometown on NY 490 around that time (during the Recovery Act timeframe) and seeing some pretty crappy bridge piers that were supported by wood blocks since the early 2000s. They finally got fixed within the last few years.
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Ok, there’s no way this is true. Saw a meme on the interwebs that the CDC updated their advice and health warnings for a couple different chemicals. They basically updated it to soften the warnings and take away certain sections, like harm to children, cancer issues, some pretty heinous stuff. So I go digging, hoping to be wrong.

I wasn’t.

The CDC updated their information for vinyl chloride- for the first time in 17 years- a couple days before the Ohio train crash.

CDC Updates Profile For Vinyl Chloride Days Before Ohio Train Derailment, And Removes Section On How It Affects Children

I am not saying I believe it, I’m looking around for more info… but that article has archived screen grabs if the updates before and after.
Ok, there’s no way this is true. Saw a meme on the interwebs that the CDC updated their advice and health warnings for a couple different chemicals. They basically updated it to soften the warnings and take away certain sections, like harm to children, cancer issues, some pretty heinous stuff. So I go digging, hoping to be wrong.

I wasn’t.

The CDC updated their information for vinyl chloride- for the first time in 17 years- a couple days before the Ohio train crash.

CDC Updates Profile For Vinyl Chloride Days Before Ohio Train Derailment, And Removes Section On How It Affects Children

I am not saying I believe it, I’m looking around for more info… but that article has archived screen grabs if the updates before and after.
thanks for passing that along.
Ok- I’m not as smart as you in a multitude of things. Can you explain what you mean?

Again for clarity here- I’m not saying anything is true or untrue.

Maybe I need to sleep, because I'm taking your post literally instead of from a tech perspective...if the latter is what you're looking for.

The dates line up with your assertion earlier that the FDA changed their doc one month to the day before the derailment. Additionally, someone changed the doc AFTER the derailment, but without a copy from before 2/13 we don't know what was changed.

I believe the word I'm looking for is "sus."
Maybe I need to sleep, because I'm taking your post literally instead of from a tech perspective...if the latter is what you're looking for.

The dates line up with your assertion earlier that the FDA changed their doc one month to the day before the derailment. Additionally, someone changed the doc AFTER the derailment, but without a copy from before 2/13 we don't know what was changed.

I believe the word I'm looking for is "sus."
Ok got you. Thanks man
Kudos to the driver for keeping a cool head or dummy for sitting there and watching this unfold?

These happen all the time. We experience thousands of railway derailments a year. This is nothing new, and it's bacause of a singular political party, and not any other reason. We are doing everything we can to respond, or sometimes not respond until severe social pressure forces us to- however, the fact that you're noticing and then calling it out is the real problem.
These happen all the time. We experience thousands of railway derailments a year. This is nothing new, and it's bacause of a singular political party, and not any other reason. We are doing everything we can to respond, or sometimes not respond until severe social pressure forces us to- however, the fact that you're noticing and then calling it out is the real problem.

Good point. I'll go haze myself.
BLUF- The initial “safe, totally safe” verdict in Palestine, Ohio, was given by Norfolk scientists (people that are paid to protect their company). So, 5 more scientists were sent. They left from Clinton airport… and their plane crashed and killed all folks on board.

“Plane crashes happen all the time? We have thousands a year? But specifically when a team of people that might produce what we can all see to be undeniable- a horrific tale of pollution that’s endangering millions, a tale that runs counter narrative.”

BLUF- The initial “safe, totally safe” verdict in Palestine, Ohio, was given by Norfolk scientists (people that are paid to protect their company). So, 5 more scientists were sent. They left from Clinton airport… and their plane crashed and killed all folks on board.

“Plane crashes happen all the time? We have thousands a year? But specifically when a team of people that might produce what we can all see to be undeniable- a horrific tale of pollution that’s endangering millions, a tale that runs counter narrative.”

Except they were headed to Cleveland, not Palestine. The problem with looking for conspiracies is we (royal, not directed) start drawing lines that aren't there.

Patterns become common when we start to be aware of them, but that doesn't mean it's all interconnected.

Little Rock plane crash and Ohio—what we do know, what we don't
What is the conspiracy about the train? Fuck Ohio? Give people cancer? Hyper AIDS? J/k

Small planes do in fact crash all the time. All over the country just about 3 per day. Again, when a 172 or Cirrus crashes, it isn’t big news. When a 777 crashes it is a BFD.

I have all of 100 hours and have almost been in a midair twice. General Aviation is not nearly as safe as the airlines. Not by a factor of 1000.

I think I am actually aligned on this. Big corporation successfully lobbies government to reduce safety standards, unions complain and are forced to work, corporate greed causes mass destruction, and then doesn’t face repercussions…
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Great take from somewhere on the internet-

Pete Buttigieg is telling us, "Listen, there are over 1,000 train derailments a year! You're just paying too much attention."

If you know the name of the secretary of transportation, you have a historically shitty secretary of transportation.

First the airlines now trains... it's almost like, you know, he wasn't qualified as a mayor of a small town to take on a governmental role and has spent way more time on paternity leave than he has working.
This is the same dipshit that took like 180 days for parental leave...but here's the thing. His partner is a male and didn't shit out the kid. In the midst of the worst supply chain crisis he was nowhere to be found...well with a baby rattle I guess. But bonding with your child when your partner is a woman makes sense and stuff. Chemical receptors et al. But a Cabinet secretary being MIA? But the media just fawned over the prick instead of holding him accountable. "Oh mayor pete wants to bond with his child".