USG Network Insecurity

Unfortunately, people are lazy and the protection of "your" PII isn't "their" problem apparently.

And, if it is...they don't take their jobs seriously and the one whose information is released is the one who suffers and has to clean up the expensive mess created by another's laziness and incompetence.
Unfortunately, people are lazy and the protection of "your" PII isn't "their" problem apparently.

And, if it is...they don't take their jobs seriously and the one whose information is released is the one who suffers and has to clean up the expensive mess created by another's laziness and incompetence.

To date I've received no less than 4 notices that someone has lost my PII/SF-86... OPM, contractor couriering our info from Mississippi to Texas, two backup copies lost when laptops or drives were stolen from their cars. The people protecting our personal info are idiots.
I'd wager that hacking has cost the US population way more $$$$ than terrorism has.

Interesting related factoid for you. The guy who invented the concept of a NULL (an unknown value in programming and data) back in the '60's had an interview with CIO magazine in 2008. In that article he stated (paraphrased) that the null had cost businesses more money than the sum of all of the savings that they had realized from the use of automation since. He's probably right too...
To date I've received no less than 4 notices that someone has lost my PII/SF-86... OPM, contractor couriering our info from Mississippi to Texas, two backup copies lost when laptops or drives were stolen from their cars. The people protecting our personal info are idiots.

Yep...they lost one of mine. I asked them what happened and they simply responded, "It was lost someone between our office and the field office." That was truly comforting and the worst part of it all was that they didn't seem to care one bit about it.
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