War Films

Yeah, vintage R. Lee.

Here's another great WW2 movie, The Enemy Below, technicolor, great score, Robert Mitchum as a destroyer skipper hunting a U-boat in the South Atlantic with Kurt Jurgens as the U-boat kapitan. It set a standard for sub pictures and The Hunt for Red October and Das Boot both stole a few ideas from it.

My dad used to always quote one of Kurt Jurgen's lines. When the sub is descending below it's maximum depth and seawater's squirting out the pipes and all the Krauts are sweating and glancing around nervously at one another, Jurgen's calmly says to his XO: "Ve build zem goot in Chermany, eh, Heinie?" :D

I remember watching The Enemy Below on AMC with my grandfather. Loved it! Nothing like some depth charges to get the heart rate up.
Just came back from the cinema -- finally got a chance to see Fury. Glad I didn't miss it on the big screen.
Just watched Lone Survivor. Great movie.

Top picks:

1) We Were Soldiers

2) Lone Survivor

3) Zero Dark Thirty

I also liked Men of Valor and Blackhawk Down.
One that I think most of us forget, but I dearly love is 'Best Years Of Our Lives'. Filmed in '46 and brought out topics and themes that still ring true today......

I'll have to add this on my yearly list. Thanks RetPara!
Intimate Enemies(2007). Set during the Algerian war in 1959 it's about a French platoon fighting against Algerian insurgents. The film shows the complications of France trying to hold on to it's colony as imperialism is dying as well as new soldiers having to deal with the harsh realities of guerilla warfare and the morality of torture; often used by Indochina(Vietnam) veterans who have survived brutal fighting in multiple wars. I found this movie after doing some research on the Algerian war in which both of my grandfathers fought in and have gained a newfound respect for the hardships they endured. One of them spent 3 consecutive years there. I know some people on this site may shit on the French, but regardless of nationalities it's worth watching. It can be found on NETFLIX, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to find.(The movie is French and you'll have to read the subtitles, unless of course you can understand the language). Here's a trailer:
( I know poor video quality).
I remember watching The Enemy Below on AMC with my grandfather. Loved it! Nothing like some depth charges to get the heart rate up.

The story line used in "The Enemy Below", was used for one episode in the origional Star Trek series. I can't remember the title for that episode, but it was spot on with the origional film. The Germay U-Boat Captian, Curd Jurgens , was a journalist during WW II, and was critical of National Socialism. In 1944 he was sent to an internment camp in Hungary, and labeled as "political unreliable". Jurgens also had a part in "The Longest Day", his role of German General was frustrated with Hitler sleeping through the need for armored support on D-Day.
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