Hey man..35F is what you make of it..I got lucky and went to 3-71 CAV, 3 Brigade, 10th MTN and got put as the COIST NCOIC...as a SPC. The COIST team was MTO'ed a 35F, A SSG which is usually the Fister, falls under the FSO, and had like three 11B or 19D's put on it..in my case..I was the only one on the team. My commander was all about Actionable Intelligence. I sucked it up, learned all I could, gained my troops respect for knowing what the hell I was doing, and we deployed. 3 months were spend with ODA teams in Khakrez, 3 months we were doing SIGINT based lethal targeting of HVI's in the Arghandab, 3 months we did air assaults into sporadic villages all over Kandahar with ODA teams and as prep for Division level ops. I was doing all targeting, TSE, Detainee Ops, Fusion, and current ops for my troop. I was also doing 2 patrols a day carrying different shit including Vallons, PSS-15, Mine Hounds, and Thor high side and low side. You know how I got to do all the tactical cool shit..by gaining respect and not being a turd, oh and volunteering. I am now at a troop at 1-2 CR, another CAV unit. And starting the process up again. Intel is what you make of it..I would shoot myself if I had to go to BN, Brigade, or a MICO. I love getting my hands dirty, bagging the bad guys, doing patrols and actually going after the intel and understanding my Operational Environment instead of looking at a place on a map and ready patrol debriefs and "guessing" what is going on with a unit's AO. I knew because I was out there every day. We were highly successful because I gave a shit instead of giving excuses. (PS got my CAB 10x over as well). So quit complaining and get to work learning everything you can. Get strong mentally and physically..and then try to get in with GROUP, USASED, GREAT SKILLS, SOT-A, SMU, or anything else available..there is also CI, PSYOPS, CIVIL AFFAIRS, 160th...you name it.