What Equipment would you place in Shirt sleeve pockets on ACU's/BDU?


Verified Military
Verified Military
Oct 24, 2006

Discussion (albeit ass) on an Irish forum regarding UBAC's Shirts and the fact we got a new issue shirt with no side facing chest pockets and none on the sleeve..I was conveying its a moot point because the US and Brit sleeve pockets are nothing more than Velco for Unit patches..

Just out of curiosity, what if any equipment do you place in your ACU sleeve pockets?
Well, since I mostly have a desk job, "mission essential" to me is my sunglasses and two black pens...:) back when I was "tactical" the only ones with pockets on their sleeves were SOF. Maybe someone with some more recent and relevant tactical experience can chime in with what they use the pockets for. In my opinion they're convenient, but not essential. They're useful if you're wearing body armor but that's about it.
Well, since I mostly have a desk job, "mission essential" to me is my sunglasses and two black pens...:) back when I was "tactical" the only ones with pockets on their sleeves were SOF. Maybe someone with some more recent and relevant tactical experience can chime in with what they use the pockets for. In my opinion they're convenient, but not essential. They're useful if you're wearing body armor but that's about it.

Thanks Mara..that's precisely the argument in relation to wearing body armor. personally I cannot see them being for anything more than a notebook & Pens, a FD and maybe a few sweets..
FYI, This is our new shirt.. designed to look good in garrison rather than in the field.

The chest pockets on the new one have been made slightly smaller and more uniform compared to the older version .. And Defence Force Ireland Patch on the Left. It still retains the hook & loop-less small pocket on the left side.

The new design is the one on the left and the older one the GEN is wearing..

FYI, This is our new shirt.. designed to look good in garrison rather than in the field.

The chest pockets on the new one have been made slightly smaller and more uniform compared to the older version .. And Defence Force Ireland Patch on the Left. It still retains the hook & loop-less small pocket on the left side.

The new design is the one on the left and the older one the GEN is wearing..


What the feck are you talking about?? When I open that picture all I see is a dude in pinstripes holding a plaque.