Out of curiosity what was your average daily/weekly intake? And did you have a preference for certain types or did it differ?
Geeez.......................Probably around 6-8 Cokes daily. The first week I felt like I was in some sort of withdrawal from the sugar cravings and the obvious body's need/desire for the sugar that it was used too. I replaced the sugar craving with carbs but only small meals 4 times a day. This helped to increase the metabolism without adding additional weight from the replacement of straight out sugar to light carbs.
Amazingly, after three weeks and the loss of 12 lbs my body has now had to regulate the insulin production, in a much more sensible fasion, and I sleep like a baby every night. While drinking the soda's I was a terrible imsoniac and often would go for 24 hours easily without sleep. Not good and it impacted the study time and attention span to class lectures. In my off day's from class I would literally sleep from 8 Am in the morning till 5 pm. Bad cycle to get into.
I'm having liver and kidney fuction tests again next week. I wasn't in a damage level in my creatinine tests, but it had increased slightly from the prior blood tests. I'm expecting a slightly lower creatinine level this time around.
I feel better, I look better, and I now have more energy to step up my cardiovasuclar excersice regimen to lose an additional 12 lbs. Looks like it's working well so far.
Alcohol intake is very limited. Possibly only six beers weekly and that's generally on Saturday's for football games.
My preference was good old red canned Classic Coke. I miss them, but after the results of not drinking them, they just kinda seem like a bad drug.