What is something you did when you were younger that looking back you cannot believe you did.

So there was this phone, right? And it was in the kitchen. And it had this, tether on it. Like, it wasnt long. And any conversation you wanted to have, you had to have in front of everyone. And for some reason, my dad got SUPER pissed if it rang at dinner or after 9 o clock.

WTF was that shit?

And, when my folks were out, I called 1-900 sex talk lines, not knowing that I was charged cause I was a dumb ass. Next thing you know, phone bill for $450 comes in. OOOPS.

1. Set up all my army men, tanks, etc in battle formation on a dirt mound in a field, poured a can of mower gas on them and lit it and burned down the field. Two engines responded. Several major ass-chewings. Mom sent me to a psychologist because she thought I might grow up to be an arsonist. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I told the shrink I wanted to be a fireman. :D

2. Looked up Blue Waffles on the Google Image machine.
Long before I enlisted, I showed my first husband the wonders of magnesium, compression, and adequate heat. Probably not my best idea (neither was accepting his proposal, but I digress). One morning, he and his best friend had an idea, and they spent the morning scraping the magnesium off of nearly two gross sparklers. After crushing it down with mortar and pestle, they put it in a PVC pipe. It was pretty short (less than 4"), but they still couldn't fill it up. Ever the dutiful spouse, I secured some cotton wadding, and lent my assistance in finishing the product, so that they wouldn't blow themselves up in the process.

After it was done, all three of us jumped on one four-wheeler and rode down to a nearby dirt pit. There were lots of people there, riding dirt bikes and four-wheelers and just hanging out. We went to the far side away from the group, dug a little hole, lit the fuze, and hunkered down.

I guess there was a temperature inversion, because holy shit did that little guy bark!!! Scared the folks on the far side of the pit, and about deafened the three of us idiots. We jumped on the ATV and were hauling ass back to dude's house when we passed a sherrif's deputy headed toward the pit. He didn't turn to come after us, but we damned sure went faster and laid low for a while once we got there, just in case.
Until the statute of limitations is up, I was an absolute saint. :ninja:

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Killer 3 rabbits on the farm with 2 .22 rounds. One hollow point, one solid, Green lightning brand. Dad said I wasnt coming in that night unless I did. First one I hit with the hollow, second and third.. ricochet off a tree into the second. I stayed nice and toasty that night, and did not have to feed the furnace all night!
Killer 3 rabbits on the farm with 2 .22 rounds. One hollow point, one solid, Green lightning brand. Dad said I wasnt coming in that night unless I did. First one I hit with the hollow, second and third.. ricochet off a tree into the second. I stayed nice and toasty that night, and did not have to feed the furnace all night!

Gauged my ears when I was a teenager. Had the corrective surgery when I was 23 or 24. The morning of the surgery, they told me my insurance wouldn't pay for me to go under. Only local anesthesia was covered. I cheaped out and got to listen to the surgeon cut my ear lobe off for almost 2 hours.
Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize.