I've had t ore-tip a couple of knives for members here.. cough cough Crip and Sasquatch cough cough.... the true gift in that is the EZLap and the Norton stones The Harsey required me to get... with the EZLap, you can reshape and cut the new secondary bevel without worrying about de-tempering the blade by over heating on a grinder, and the Norton stones take out the diamond cuts from the EZLap... finish with a Japanese water stone, and polish with ceramic... the only difference in the knife should be the length of the blade because it was broken off using it fro a friggin screwdriver or prybar...
BFKs can be used for prybars, but don't use the tip, the wide part of the blade people.
Mark can make all their knives perfect with the Wicked Edge... but it will set you back about $400 with all the bells whistles and gizmos... basic is about $250
Bro: Expect a package in the mail. Some of my knives and a case of Lager for the payback.