What kind of light do you carry?

With permission from a 75% quorum of members on the board, and I get final veto authority over the match usage, abstentions will count as No votes for the purposes of the quorum. (Damn, Roberts Rules of Order DO come in handy occasionally....):confused::eek::doh:

Damn... :(

And I was just going to go with the old "better to ask forgiveness than permission". :D
Damn... :(

And I was just going to go with the old "better to ask forgiveness than permission". :D

What? That could get you banned, then there wouldn't be anybody to greet the new Marines and be an example of what NOT to be when you grow up...

The only exceptions are a complete Alien Zombie VampirePirate Ninja Viking Invasion from Outer Space; Godzilla and Mothra come back; or 4 Asteroids are approaching the Earth to destroy it....