California to Ban the Sale of New Gasoline CarsCalifornia on Thursday is expected to put into effect its sweeping plan to prohibit the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035, a groundbreaking move that could have major effects on the effort to fight climate change and accelerate a global transition toward electric vehicles.
But wait... Isn't California the state that doesn't have enough power to keep the lights on?
California Warns of Possible Summer Blackouts as Power Runs LowCalifornia energy officials warned the state may be at risk of blackouts for the next three summers due to power supply shortages and extreme weather.
The state could be short about 1,700 megawatts this summer -- enough power for about 1.3 million homes - and that gap may widen to about 1,800 megawatts by 2025, officials said Friday during a media call. These forecasts don’t include other factors such as extreme regional heat waves or wildfires that can take down power lines, they said.
I can hear the calls now.. "Sorry boss, I can't come in to work today. The blackout didn't let me charge my car. What? No, I can't work remotely, the power is off in the house.
Seriously, I get the whole pollution thing, and while I don't agree with the whole climate change agenda I can understand the fear and the desire to do something about it. What I don't get is how this is a solution. Some facts that the CA government should know before enacting this type of radical agenda.