Who are all our participants in the CF Open?

My brother did the one over the weekend.
He did 128 total reps, 2 shy of completing the 135# snatches.
He said a good buddy of his (former Marine) hit 185 total reps. The mind boggles.
10 minute all out sprint for 13.2!!!
MWOD has some good tips on how to prep for it and a few pointers for performing the exercises.
FML. 13.2 after a heavy back/shoulder day yesterday was no bueno. The 115# shoulder to OH is what killed me. I made it through 4 rounds + 5 OH + 6 DL = 131 total reps.
I'm going to have at it again on Sunday and see if I can improve my numbers. The box jumps are the sleeper. They'll gas you before you get back under the bar. Here's the MWOD video with prep/tips.

Shit, didn't see this thread until now. As Dknob said, I'm in, as well as the wife. I just did 13.2 yesterday, and I self admittedly am not in the best endurance shape coming out of a upstate NY winter, and it showed with how gassed I was on the box jumps. The weight was fine, i don't think it ever took me more than about 30 seconds to get through that... it was just those damn box jumps. I ended up with 154 though.
Ugh, I hit 213.. not happy. I came off heavy dead lifts and one rep max back squat days prior and the 115 started cramping my back up.

I'll go again Sat/Sun and I better hit 230+..

As for CF Games.. bahahah good one
I'm with you Dknob, I train heavy barbell compound lifts MWF and was hurting.

Went to an affiliate with my brother to judge and submit there for convenience. Ended up with 219. They told us to do step ups to conserve energy, and my brother did 2 rounds less than his inventory run on Thursday. I should have just saved the step ups for 2-3 reps every other round to get a breather.
I'm in the open, but due to current duty location I havent been able to upload the videos. Its disheartening, but I'm still doing the movements with a small group of guys out here.
I'm not in the open, but I dropped into a box in Ft. Collins on Thursday and did 13.2 with them. I got 131 as well. After being up at this elevation for a few weeks I would have thought I'd be more adapted to the thinner air, but I felt completely gassed after round 1.
WTF happened?

Josh Golden will not have a valid score on 13.2, and thus he will be out of contention as an individual at the 2013 Southern California Regional.

CrossFit Grover Beach will not be permitted to validate workouts for the remainder of the 2013 CrossFit Games season.

CrossFit takes the competition and movement standards very seriously. Everyone competing, especially those aspiring to Regionals or beyond, must ensure their performances meet or exceed all established standards.
Not hitting full hip extension/lock out on the box jumps and those few reps where he went from ground to OH vice shoulder to OH are what killed him.
387 reps is pretty damn impressive, regardless.
my buddy out here is DGAR got DQed for the box jumps too. I was chatting with another buddy back in OH and he called it; most people will be dinged for the box jumps.