Would you punch a bear in the face?

If put in the situation, yes. I've been close enough to both black bears and Grizzlies to have to consider defensive options; thankfully both times I had a rifle in hand. The roll over, play dead and be a chew toy is not really my style.
If put in the situation, yes. I've been close enough to both black bears and Grizzlies to have to consider defensive options; thankfully both times I had a rifle in hand. The roll over, play dead and be a chew toy is not really my style.

Put into the situation of: you walk outside and your dog is getting attacked by a bear, who needs a weapon I have my hands, let me throw a haymaker to a bears face.

I understand in the instance of being life or death, of course we don't choose to be chew toys.
Personally, I would punch "anything" in the face if it was to protect something that I felt strongly enough for.

That dog may be the only thing in this world he has and felt justified in doing what he did.

It certainly could have ended worse for him, but for whatever reason, he felt justified in doing what he did.
I would to protect family (dog's included). Perhaps... the bear was just inspecting the dog thinking "gee, thats a strange looking rodent."
I believe the majority of the people on this forum would choose to save their dog.
The thing that got me was he punched the bear rather than picking up an item to be used as a weapon or a decoy during the saving of his dog.
Not just try and Mike Tython the bear:dead:
Heat of the moment. You see a love one being attacked and you don't always think rationally and think to grab a weapon. I'd punch a bear but you piss off a moose you're on your own.
Heat of the moment. You see a love one being attacked and you don't always think rationally and think to grab a weapon. I'd punch a bear but you piss off a moose you're on your own.

If I could get to them, I'd kick him in the balls, but I don't that will ever be a option; except for @pardus maybe ;-)8-).