WWP (and veteran-oriented charities)

I had this exact conversation with one of my classes on Friday. WWP manages what... $250, $300 million, and several thousand employees? Something that big, you're going to need to shell out some $$$ to get the management team you need to optimize that organization. Otherwise, people with that much talent are going to go over to the private sector.

I would say there's a compromise somewhere in the middle. I agree that compensation has to be in line with the responsibility to get the big gun CEOs that can manage and grow the brand. That said, the president of United Way Worldwide, one of the consistently highest performing charity organizations, with 1800 locations in 45 countries is only slightly higher. He manages not only the locations, but has ultimate responsibility for the employees and the activities of their 2.9M volunteers. Oh, and manages a paltry $5.18B in donations. (Financial Information | United Way Worldwide )

Now why would WWP pay a guy nearly the same salary that has such a small fraction of the responsibility? ($473k, Charity Navigator Rating - Wounded Warrior Project) No report of deferred compensation that I could find, but I'm sure it's been taken.

His resume certainly doesn't appear to justify it: Steven Nardizzi | Wounded Warrior Project

Here's Brian Gallagher's for comparison: President and Chief Executive Officer, United Way Worldwide | United Way Worldwide Note that he was an employee for 21 years before becoming CEO for the last 14.

What is the salary of president and CEO Brian A. Gallagher?

Brian Gallagher’s salary in 2014 was $532,552. Based on Mr. Gallagher’s successful performance of specific objectives in 2014, the Executive Compensation Committee and Board of Trustees provided him with incentive pay of $157,500.
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No one would blink an eye about the CEO's pay if the organization did a better job with its money.
Idk, I think they over shot there situation. Bottom line, why should anyone who gives a fuck draw a salary over $100k?

Because these people are worth that much money. He could probably make at more in the for profit sector.

For a bunch of conservatives a lot of you get awfully socialist sounding when it comes to high compensation.
Because these people are worth that much money. He could probably make at more in the for profit sector.

For a bunch of conservatives a lot of you get awfully socialist sounding when it comes to high compensation.

I'm not a conservative, but even if I was, I don't think anyone working a non-profit should make that kinda money, with those types of benefits.
Idk, I think they over shot there situation. Bottom line, why should anyone who gives a fuck draw a salary over $100k?

I think it's a pretty unfair statement to say that anyone who gives a fuck would take less money just for the hell of it. If a veterans organization came to me and said, "Hey man, we want to pay you X to do Y.", I'm not going to turn around and force them to pay me less for some arbitrary reason. They help veterans. Outside of their official donations, how much more awareness has that brand raised? How many people do you think have had their eyes opened to veterans charity organizations through the WWP brand and gone on to research other ways to give back or other charities to donate to? I get it, WWP can tighten their shot group. I certainly don't think their CEO deserves 100K as a salary cap though.
I heard a lot of horror stories over the years. But I've also seen a friend of mine and his family put up in some crazy hotels for retreats and concerts over weekends. They organize and pay for some expensive hunts that I've seen the product of. What I do know is they don't just give you a check when you're struggling to make a mortgage payment and some folks who seek that aid hold it against them. Their admin costs are really high though. But this is much less than the Susan Komen foundation.
That says it all.

I don't give two shits if I sound like a conservative or a hypocrite or whatever, WWP can go fuck itself.
I make an effort to tell everyone when the subject comes up, what a bunch of cunts I think they are.

Yeah I defended them several years ago, but this was before I understood what they are doing.

I think their bullshit needs to be brought out in the open...
Yeah I defended them several years ago, but this was before I understood what they are doing.

I think their bullshit needs to be brought out in the open...

The rumor mill about WWP and spending on it's self has been out there for over a year. Folks that asked me were to donate usually I would steer them to the GBF, because I have seen the backing for our wounded.

I am really happy the Kane's stepped up to the plate, not only with $$, but with open, watchful eyes.
The rumor mill about WWP and spending on it's self has been out there for over a year.

Some of us have followed this for years now. The early complaints were stifled or ignored, in part because the mainstream and mainstream news organizations wouldn't cover WWP's finances. Even now with CBS looking at them you won't see much but a blip on the radar. They prey upon society's emotions and are low hanging fruit for donations to support our troops. Better organizations out there aren't mentioned, but WWP has become a brand with a strong marketing presence.
Some of us have followed this for years now. The early complaints were stifled or ignored, in part because the mainstream and mainstream news organizations wouldn't cover WWP's finances. Even now with CBS looking at them you won't see much but a blip on the radar. They prey upon society's emotions and are low hanging fruit for donations to support our troops. Better organizations out there aren't mentioned, but WWP has become a brand with a strong marketing presence.

The media help this along quite a bit, IMHO. So many in the media, I think Bill O'Riley included, backed WWP donations over any other charities for our wounded. The power of the media is so strong, and all you have to do is to groom one, or two high profile talking heads, and you are up and running.
The media help this along quite a bit, IMHO. So many in the media, I think Bill O'Riley included, backed WWP donations over any other charities for our wounded. The power of the media is so strong, and all you have to do is to groom one, or two high profile talking heads, and you are up and running.

I concur.

And, similar to talking head "opinions" given on scientific subjects, truthiness can often be very trendy and subjective.

Some military assistance charities can also be objectively more effective and efficient than others.

Military assistance charity ratings
I concur.

And, similar to talking head "opinions" given on scientific subjects, truthiness can often be very trendy and subjective.

Some military assistance charities can also be objectively more effective and efficient than others.

Military assistance charity ratings

Thanks for the links. They have probably been mentioned, sort of peppered throughout our threads. Seeing this list here, is convenient and timely.
WWP's largest fundraisers/ donors: We can has audit?

WWP: Lulz

Top Wounded Warrior donor calls for CEO's resignation

Bonus points: the board of directors have retained independent counsel.

Fuck these greedy bastards. I don't give to charities, I don't have a lot of spare cash. But I've given about $300 to these assholes over the years because it touched a personal nerve with me. We didn't have these kinds of organizations when I got wounded. I felt good about it, felt I was helping my young bros, in my own small way, to maybe make things a little easier than it was for us back then. These are the worst kind of hypocritical cunts, making money exploiting our wounded. After this last story, I've fuckin had it. No quarter for these motherfuckers, I hope some of them land in jail. Personally, I'd like to show up at one of their gala events with about a dozen combat vets and tear their fuckin house down to the ground.