Your Experiences With "Toxic Leaders"


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Yep, ditto.

Mara can you send digits in a PM. Want to talk to you about something else I've noticed...
I like how GEN Dempsey wants to introduce a 360 review process for evaluation reports. I'm interested to see the mechanics of it.
Damn and I was looking forward to an entertaining evening here on SS. Poor planning on your part! :mad:

All I have left in the house is cheap American beer- which I like, I just don't feel like drinking. Besides I have my big econ final tomorrow and I need to study, plus I don't want to wake up with a hangover.
All I have left in the house is cheap American beer- which I like, I just don't feel like drinking. Besides I have my big econ final tomorrow and I need to study, plus I don't want to wake up with a hangover.
Why are you not studying then? Get cracking there Mr. Toxic!
Mara your posts are toxic.:-"


Toxic? Moi? Far from it, my good fellow! More like "tonic," as in the cure for what ails you. I'm here to bless you with my munificent intelligenceness and free you from your bonds of unenlightened darkness.

That, and to provide clipart. Toxic:

Happens in private enterprise too, but I don't think there's a law against disliking the people you work with.
Happens in private enterprise too, but I don't think there's a law against disliking the people you work with.

True, but there are laws/regulations against bullying, conduct unbecoming and abuse of power within the Military.

Ive seen company commanders swearing at junior enlisted personal like drill sergeants for very minor issues.
SGMs throwing rocks at pvts while abusing them in front of hundreds of other Soldiers.
SGMs physically taking people to the ground while being surrounded by SGTs in a defensive ring who then order the dozens of Soldiers in the vicinity to turn around so they can't see what's going on.

Fucking disgusting, unprofessional and disgraceful!
I've been in combat where the enemy is killing us by any means; while our Cdr's charged us with murder for killing "clear as fucking day" enemy, just b/c the BCT Cdr was trying to keep a "following the policy" image. It's a top to the bottom problem and it's not limited to CONUS/OCONUS, or conventional/SOF. But whatever, by the time anything is fixed I will be rocking in a rocking-chair.... $0.02