


    Howdy y'all, My name is Paul, I'm currently a senior at the University of Texas at Austin -- graduating and commissioning in the Spring of 2017. I am studying to receive a B.A. in Government, Pre-Law (International Relations and Security concentration) and a minor in History (Concentration in...
  2. Fetz98


    Hello! My name is Anthony A.K.A. Fetz, I am 17 years old, soon to be 18 in a few weeks. I have been viewing Shadow Spear forums for a few months now and decided it was time to signup and participate in the community. I am currently in the process of enlisting in the USAF, and will be go to...
  3. Tyler99


    Hello ladies and gentlemen. I'm currently a high school senior and in the Delayed Entry Program for the Marines. I have always been fascinated by Special Operations and always looking for answers. I myself am interested in Marine Recon but I'll worry about it later when I'm in the Marine...
  4. WVApex


    Greetings, ShadowSpear. This is my introductory post. I am a 25yo male, civilian from a military family. My ambition is to serve as a SARC. 25m target is the Navy DEP and signing the line for an HM position. I don't know what I don't know; but I do know that I am humbled to be here. Thank...
  5. B

    New pilot

    Hello all, I'm a newly selected AFSOC pilot for the CV-22 platform. The username is related to a joke between myself and a friend of mine. When i got the news of my selection to fly CV-22's, my friend, who is an F-22 pilot, called me and and congratulated me on getting "the wrong -22."...
  6. I


    Hello everyone. My name is Austin and I am from the great state of Iowa. I've been on this planet for 24 years. My family works heavily in law enforcement and has weighted military background throughout. A strong desire has grown inside me to be apart of a great opportunity that only the best...
  7. Vansickle


    Hello, I'm Joe, an Army Fanatic, and Paleoconservative. To be clear, I am NOT military. I aspire to be a part of the armed forces sometime in my near future. I'm thirteen, and currently schooling in Ashland , OH. I have a military parent (19K, 1st Armored Division, OIF, 07-11). I found this...
  8. WhiskeyMike


    Hey gents, I've seen and used this website many times before to get info on various topics and figured I might as well make account so I can contribute. Currently serving in the USMC as an 0311.
  9. K


    Good day all, I'm active duty AFSOC. Been in 20+ years and was enlisted for the first 9. I flew MC-130Ps until the put 'em on a stick in the Air Park and now I fly a desk at Headquarters. To be honest, that's as much info that I'm comfortable giving at this time. I look forward to...
  10. BravoMachine


    Hello all. My name is Zachary Fino. Out of high school I wanted to be an infantryman. A relationship with a girl diverted my focus. It was not long into the relationship when I resumed thinking of nothing but being an infantryman. I attempted to join the US Army but was rejected by recruiters...
  11. C


    Greetings to all, I am a 20 y/o male poolee currently enlisted in the USMC with a tentative ship date of October 24, 2016. I am seeking the UH (03XX - Infantry) option. I have shared a lifelong ambition of serving in the Marine Corps with my twin brother. My first attempt at enlistment was as a...
  12. R


    Hope you all are well I'm a 23 year old civillian hoping to make the transition from a wannabe in a cubicle to an operator. Particularly obsessed with the SEAL Teams, but also with all things SOF. I have nothing but respect, admiration, and appreciation for those who have served and those...
  13. D


    I am currently a civilian researching the possibility of a career in Pararescue. I am looking for knowledge, advice, and mentoring from current and former PJs. Thank you for putting up the site, and I look forward to learning as much as I can.
  14. E


    Hello everyone, My name is Adan, I'm 17 years old, from California. I'm going into my senior year of high school, and I'm very interested in a career in the Air Force, with my ultimate goal being, to become an STO. This site helps a lot with some of the hundreds of questions I have, and I hope...
  15. D


    Hello! My name is Dave. I EAS'd out of the Marine Corp in early 2015 as a Corporal. Deployed to Afghanistan twice, once with a conventional unit and another with MARSOC (as an enabler). Currently I am attending Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT to study health sciences. Recently I...
  16. H

    redo: introduction

    Hello my names Anthoni. I'm in the process of filling out my paperwork for the United States Air Force and lm here just ask a few questions about what to expect at Eglin Air Force Base. And what EOD is all about. Sorry for messing up my first introduction.
  17. S


    Hello all, A little background on me: joined the Marines after one semester of college thanks to games like Halo and the history channel. Wanted to see what it was like and I fell in love with it. I'm on my fourth year in and while I've deployed to an aircraft carrier and Japan I want...
  18. Dominic.1191


    How goes it? I'm Dominic, 24. Currently an Air Force ammo guy with AFSOC, originally wanted to retrain into Pararescue but i've found that Combat Control is more suited to what I want out my career. 5 years in with 2 deployments, and I submit my retraining in August. I've spent the last 1.5...
  19. rwtred2289


    I am currently seeking to attain an 18x contract or similar. My goal is to have an opportunity to be a member of the US Army Special Forces community, I am also interested in the 75th Ranger Batallion. I am a college graduate, majored in Politics and Finance cum laude. However I transferred...
  20. W

    Wizard to the Warfighters

    Salutations to the ShadowSphere, I am a Clinical NeuroScientist and BioMedical Systems Engineer. Currently, I am a Consultant on a Joint Research Program between Universities and the Military on Instrumentation to support Human Physiological Performance Monitoring. Previously, I had been a...