
  1. Some Guy

    Introduction Thread

    I'm currently a recruit in the US Army, with a contract for 68W Combat Medic Specialist. I have an interest in special operations, though obviously (as I'm sure many of you know better than I do), that will be a hard thing to achieve, with no garuntees that I'll actually make it. Still, no...
  2. C


    Hello ladies and gentlemen! Glad to be apart of the site! A little bit about me, I joined the Army right out of high school, served in the signal corps. I have been out almost 3 years now, civilian life wasn't what I thought it would be. I am now looking to go back active duty Air Force as TACP.
  3. N


    Good day ladies and gentleman! Excited to find a community to further my knowledge and to also aid my peers in my remaining training. In my final years of high school, I saw the documentary Inside Combat Rescue and since then I have aspired to become a CRO. I decided it would be in my best...
  4. J


    Hello all! My name is Joe. I'm glad to have stumbled across this site because it shows a wonderful plethora of information along with having actual people to talk and learn from rather than documents. For those who don't know me (which is all of you most likely lol) I'm 16, a Boy Scout on the...
  5. VinceXOF

    Introducing myself.

    Hey there, my name is Vince. I live the in Netherlands and there is nothing interesting to say about myself. I'm simply an admirer of the SOF community, and hope to get involved in ShadowSpear.
  6. 0


    My name is Josh, i am a member of the National Guard, my MOS is 11 charlie (indirect fire infantryman). On the civilian side, I work for TSA/DHS (not proud of this BTW, only saving grace is the pay). I have been there for almost 9 years, and have served in the guard for nearly 5. I joined Shadow...
  7. Vincent


    Hey, I'm Vince. 24 years old, just finished my degree in Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. My PFT scores are up to 101 pushups, 88 sit ups, 28 pullups and running 2 miles in 11:00. I am 6'2", 184 lbs, 5% bodyfat. I'm not big on swimming, plus I speak Arabic and French due to having a...
  8. Quea


    Hello, I am Quentin and have decided to join this community. I've been thinking of military service since I was 19 and recently decided to actually do something with my life other than watch kids and waste time. To this, I figured joining a community of individuals who are experts, or at least...
  9. S


    I'm Master Sergeant Steve Batson, USAF retired. I spent 21 years, 9 months, 28 days active duty, from Ellsworth to Incirlik to Ellsworth to Pirinclik to McConnell to Lackland. First ten was desk jockey, last twelve was Military Training Instructor. I'm not much on writing. Thanks.
  10. Trojan1


    Hey everyone, I'm a junior in college and trying to figure out my life after school. My brother is at the Naval Academy and has expressed a ton of interest in Navy EOD. I've always had a desire to serve but wasn't sure where to go so I found the EOD was an interesting position and I have my...
  11. M


    Hello, I'm Michael and I am 21 with aspirations to become a Ranger in the 75th Ranger Regiment. Ever since I was 12, I wanted to be a soldier. I've always been fascinated by stories of the Rangers and their exploits during World War 2 to the modern era. I'm about to finish my degree in History...
  12. I


    Hi my name is Isaac Varughese. I don't have any military background but I would like to serve my country. I'm interested in joining the Air Force, specifically CCT. Currently I'm in my third year of college. Just trying to learn as much as I can before I decide to talk to a recruiter. I'd like...
  13. Fl_Ag


    Hi Everyone, I'm a 26 year-old Air Force CGO in Colorado. I was born and raised in Florida, commissioned out of Texas A&M, and my first assignment was a remote missile warning site in northeast North Dakota. About half a year ago on my first deployment I decided it was time to commit and make a...
  14. Gladesmen19


    Howdy Ya'll, My name is Ty im 19 and a Florida native Currently going to school and getting everything needed done in hopes of enlisting U.S. Army/ ARNG under the 18x/REP63 contract I look forward to gaining any and all the priceless tips,opinions, and advice as possible throughout my time here...
  15. Tom_hammer_


    My name's Tom I'm an 0311 (kill bodies) this site seems like a good source of information.
  16. M


    Senior in high school, currently training everyday religiously to become a Ranger. Happy to be apart of this community :)
  17. M


    I'm a 24 year old college grad, got a BS in illustration—never wanted to go to college, I have actually wanted to enlist since I was 12 or 13. But I did so as a service to my mom, who felt that at least someone in the family had to get a degree. Been out for three years working in social...
  18. S


    Hello and thank you for the add. I am 22 recently decided the military was my calling and came across this forum in search of information. I'll be searching through the threads to in hopes of helping me determine which branch and job would fit me best. Thank you again for the add and all the...
  19. I


    SGT Diaz, I 11B Infantry "A" Team Leader C co. 3/141 TX ARNG This is my first forum site that I have become a member of. Excuse the mistakes that I'm more than sure will occur due to lack of experience operating in such sites. I have been in the TX ARNG for 7 years now. Have spent my years of...
  20. raool


    Greetings all! I'm currently AD stationed at RAF Lakenheath and came across this site while searching for some information on becoming a guard TACP. My current plan is to palace front after I'm done with my tour here and crosstrain into the AFSC. No specific questions at the moment so I'm just...