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Bernie's right, he needs to act like a US Senator, we deserve better than to have that sort of fighting in Congress.

That sort of fighting in a Walmart parking lot money's on the Senator, not that bully tub of shit from the Teamsters or whatever mob outfit he simps for.
I want a senator in the streets BUT A FREAK IN THE BED!!!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Bernie's right, he needs to act like a US Senator, we deserve better than to have that sort of fighting in Congress.

That sort of fighting in a Walmart parking lot money's on the Senator, not that bully tub of shit from the Teamsters or whatever mob outfit he simps for.
I don’t know. I think it'd be entertaining as hell to watch a Senator choke the shit out of O'Brien. That's the kind of fire and dedication I want in a Senator. Frankly, Congress could use some balls. So, I'm all for it...or bring back duels.
They have a lot of clean, professionals-looking gear. Good to know where the BILLIONS in aid money that the US continues to give to "the people of Afghanistan" is going.

Aid for terrorists in Pakistan, aid for terrorists in Afghanistan, aid for "freedom fighters" in the Ukraine...what about aid for Americans?

I have crazy ideas floating around in my head.
Aid for terrorists in Pakistan, aid for terrorists in Afghanistan, aid for "freedom fighters" in the Ukraine...what about aid for Americans?

I have crazy ideas floating around in my head.

Can some Canuckistani "freedom fighters" get some guns?

begging post office GIF by South Park