Bro - let me lay it out for you:
-Bomb bay doors open
-Racks clear
-Green Light, GO...
The extended canopy ride gives the bombs time reach the target and safely neutralize the threat while the ODA drifts in unnoticed.
-Once on the ground the Intel SGT and ODA commo guys can provide real time BDA to support strategic campaign plans.
-The Tm SGT and Tm Leader can immediately plan a cascading target set to attack follow on targets now that they are on the ground because...
...the ODA Medics used their superior trauma skilz to save the lives of a few key enemy leaders that were near death.
- NOW you have prisoners that can be exploited as an intel source.
-The ODA Demo guys can quickly locate any duds and cannibalize them for their explosive material that can be used to take out bridges being used to support the enemy resupply routes.
-The lingering smoke and dust from the explosions serves to conceal the ODA sniper team, who - by the time the medic has stabilized the enemy leaders, is already in position to start spotting and snipe-ing the bad guys that were just outside the blast radius.
-This leaves the ODA Warrant Officer to pull security and sip from his flask while reminiscing on how much better this type of operation went when he was still just an enlisted Intel Guy.
-The rest of those canopies that you are mistaking as paratroopers doing a 'Mass-Tac' are actually just resuplly bundles filled with OpFund Money, MREs, and Whiskey
For fuck sakes man - do you even Army ???