West Point is doing the Norwegian Foot March this weekend.
18+ miles, pretty fast pace, "movement to daylight" night march, relatively light weight but it's West Point so it's uphill both ways the entire time.
I did this late in my career, didn't train for it (because I've always been good at footmarching) and regretted it.
All of it.
I finished in the time allotted, but it broke me off.
"But Mara, you can only wear one foreign award at a time and you already had two, why did you sign up for this punishment?"
Well, dear reader, when my eldest daughter was in high school she told me she wanted to do this march and convinced me to do it as a father-daughter bonding experience. But more or less as soon at is started she took off like a shot and I never saw her again until we were done (being younger, I think she had a shorter time period to complete the march). I was thus left to regret my life decisions on my own.