Not Work Safe .

I had an Atari, I was always bitter at the friends who had Colecovision.

Same thing with computers, I had a Vic20, but could not get my parents to splurge on a commodore 64.
I built this a year and a half ago so I could have them all it: Gaming thread
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I would happily live on Hoth vs. the 100+ temps.
Concur 100%.

Just returned from spending the last 2 weeks in the desert (Coronado Nat'l Forest) with temps near 110 and all the crap that comes with it (rattlesnakes, scorpions, tarantulas, black widows, the list goes on).

I have no idea why anyone in their right mind lives in that area. What were settlers thinking when they built Tombstone out there?!
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Our atari doubled down as a "computer" as it had a keyboard and you could actually type and print out a document, albeit a black screen with green letters, and the printer was that old ass green and white lined paper that you had to tear the feeding holes off.

We thought that was some high-tech shit back in the day.

Anyone remember the cassette player that had the dial up tone that you had to play to send an email?🙄 I get a kick out of explaining some of the old shit to my kids and my 28 year old future ex-wife...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

My job is municipal, our EMS station is right next to the police station. We routinely go over there for things. I was checking the police trauma bags/AEDs in the patrol room.

Our station has its AC on, it's so fucking God damn hot out, does not feel like it's on until about midnight.

I walk into the PAB (police), the AC was at 65, the desk dispatcher was covered in a blanket and she was bitching. I told her I'd switch jobs.

Every fucking house whether in the projects across the street from Philly or a mansion in the center of Township, no fucking body has AC on. It's Satan's asshole hot here. Come on!